Age of consent under Islamic law is normally based around puberty and the age of consent in Syria is 15?
So you support her? Unbelievable Jeff. Typical lefty reply, no wonder the country’s f.ucked. Next they’ll rip down Churchill’s statue and replace it with Begum’s statue, yeah, brilliant. Usually suspects I see.
F*** me sideways now that's a typical response to a debate by a fellow of the Bullingdon Club " pass me that hogshead it's my turn to shag it "
So let me get this right. A young lass of legal age decides our country isn’t good enough for her, so she ups sticks, and joins a load of terrorist loony’s. She Marries a terrorist, proceeds to get pregnant to him numerous times while he’s out in the field beheading westoners. Then when it all goes terribly wrong she decides she wants to move back to Blighty and all is forgiven, she actually decides she likes us really and we aren’t really that bad. Am I missing something here or what? because for me anyone defending her really needs to shake their f.ucking head... And you lot think she deserves a fair trial?? Lost for words.
1) I don't know what you mean by 'legal age' when 15 is not the legal age to leave home. 2) Every single person deserves a fair trial. Everybody. It's one of the best things about our country, you take that right away and anyone can be prosecuted for anything, including youself. If you are only proposing taking it away for people you consider to be clearly guilty then you don't need to worry about them having a trial, they'll get justice served to them anyway. If they don't, then the obviously weren't as clearly guilty as you first thought. The thing is though, it someone decided you were 'clearly guilty' about something completely made up, you'd never get a trial to protest your innocence, your right to one would be gone and it wouldn't matter how bogus the charge was. I can just imagine this government stitching a ton of people up who they don't like as 'clearly guilty' with sketchy evidence if a precedent was set.
Of legal age? We judging legal age by isis standards as well as having their morals now then? I’m tapping out of this debate. It is completely ******* pointless trying to point out the hypocrisy when you will refuse to see it. At the end of the day our opinion won’t form any part of the legal judgement so we will all just have to see what happens.
as far as I can see no one is defending her!! You’ve been told this at least 10 times. She’s a citizen of this country, she should be treated by its laws. It’s really not hard to understand.
I genuinely can't understand why you would think that anyone doesn't deserve a fair trial. By definition anything else is unfair. I understand politics is a matter of opinion but you're as close to objectively wrong as is possible.
I don't think you've got that right and I think you're missing quite a lot. Next time you're lost for words, maybe try not saying as many.
Have to say I can understand thee thought process of some of those saying **** her, made her bed etc. But I cant get away from the fact that if she is not allowed to return she is found guilty without a fair hearing, which is very uncomfortable thought and quite a scary principal to make. If she comes back she should be detained on arrival on suspicion, investigated and dealt with accordingly as seen fit by the laws of the land not a Politician or Bureaucrat(or whoever decided).
Exactly, not one person is saying she should just get away with anything she has done and they are certainly not suggesting she gets a statue as sarcastically stated above. I'd like anyone arguing against a fair trail to tell me who they think should decide if someone is guilty and should be locked away indefinitely (or have a bullet to the head apparently) then. Boris Johnson? A random police officer (which one or do they all get to decide based on whenever they feel like it)? The general public (do we vote or something or is it just whoever should loudest on social media gets to decide?) I really don't think they think about the consequences of what they are saying.
Everyone deserves a fair trial, you think not then you are bordering on the thinkings of the Nazie Party of the 2nd world war. Even the Yorkshire ripper got a fair trial.
I'd say let her return here if she wants but under conditions. 1. She is arrested and held in custody the moment she steps foot on British soil. 2. She is given NO support or aid in her wish to return here. No money, no advice, no help. If she wants to come back she can get as much UK state help to do so as she had to make the outward journey. Zero
The really scary thing is that people dont seem to realise the minute you allow one case to be decided without a fair trial, it opens the door to others to follow and before you know it you have legalised selective prosecution.
1) She will be arrested when she arrives back. I can't even see that as being up for debate. 2) Are you suggesting that she stands trial without legal representation?