Awful. It just shows that a couple of decent strikers really do make the difference. Despite our gifting of goals and questionable defence this season, we’d probably be safe if that conversion rate was doubled. We really aren’t a bad side and that’s what’s so frustrating!
That is as concise an indictment of the board as any I have seen. A couple of decent strikers would have made the difference (sorry I may be alone in thinking this but even with Woodrow at his best his chances to goals ratio was pretty poor) Moore isn't a great footballer but his presence and height was an asset. Long time since we had a couple, or even one , 'real deal' strikers IMO. The board should see this single image (not that they appear to give a ****)
There is something very ironic about those stats and Conway's mantra that we are a club that make our decisions based on data.
People go about Schmidts work rate. However, he never replaces the right person when he comes on. Last night he should have come on for Woodrow. Brown was **** but he put himself about.
I used to think Schmidt might come good eventually but I’m not even sure he’d cut it in League 1. He just doesn’t get involved at all, didn’t even touch the ball again when he came on last night. He wouldn’t relish a battle with some of the uncompromising centre halves in L1.
I’ve always felt and said same last year that we miss too many chances but has anyone got another teams stats to compare to? That’s the real test, if the league average is in that realm then it suggests a general lack of quality or strength in defence but if the average is a much better than average......
Personally don’t think Schmidts suits our style and never will. In the right team and set up think he would do OK.