Gone to order my shirt as am a reserved plus. But when i come to go to checkout its saying this message Unfortunately you are attempting to purchase more tickets for a match than your type of membership allows. Please double check and either choose a different price class use assign to assign tickets to a member within your network or remove items from your basket
Am I missing something? New kit pictures have been on the club website all afternoon, so I reserved my red one earlier.
You have to assign the shirts to the name of the reserved+ ticket as though you were ordering a ticket. It did it to me as i tried to put 2 shirts to 1 person, as soon as i changed it it worked fine. Hope that helps
I have 1 shirt in the basket, assigned to me, logged in as reserved plus member and I get that error message every time
Yep nothing else there. I had a look on twitter earlier and it seems a few other people are having the same issue. Box office tweeted to say they’d take it up with Ticketmaster
Haha ok. It just made me think, have I just ordered summat I hadn't seen and this wasn't the actual shirt.. Knowing me they'll send a shaw carpets one with the stars on.
Never had a problem. They are the biggest ticket outlet in the country. I get a lot of gig tickets through them too, and never had a problem for years. The club has picked the biggest, best and most well known provider of ticketing solutions in the country. Errors will always occur on websites, but not sure what the issue is here.....
There has been big problems with Ticketmaster for years. Remember the Wembley fiasco? Just because something got in early and is the biggest doesn't make it the best.
I also have this problem - tried using both Chrome and Firefox in case its somehow linked to the browser but get the same which ever I try and pick Also tried switching between all areas and internet sales - makes no difference I always get the same message - its somewhat annoying