He pretty much insisted he wanted to leave Barnsley. For some reason that seems to be debated as untrue, which it might be, but anyone with a sniff of a rumour seems to say the same thing and it's pretty much in line with what Dane Murphy said. Normally that means there's some substance to it. I always thought the deal was £2.5m rising to £4m. Not much of the rising happening with the way things have gone this season!
I'm happy to believe that he insisted he wanted to leave Barnsley, for whatever reason (although I suspect we could all hazard a guess). My point is that there's no evidence he's doing the same this time round. He's an extremely saleable asset for a club in desperate need of cash flow. An all-cash deal which can be tied up quickly will look even more tempting to Wigan's administrators than it would to our owners.
Just this the Adminsitrators dont care too much what sort of team wigan can put out next season - short term they have to find a way to save the club Kieffer is a saleable asset and I expect on a fairly decent salary - if they can get 2.5Million in cash and save the 15k per week (or whatever) in wages they will be offereing to drive him to Loftus road themselves. I expect Morsy will be gone before the start of next season as well and a few others
On the basis of a couple of articles I've read the Administrators biggest concern is the size of the wage bill which would mean that a buyer would need to accept that the club will continue to make a loss until it's reduced through player sales or until contracts expire. Each sale will therefore improve the gap slightly but as their wage bill is c. £19m quite a few more will need to go. I know Wigan have appealed on the basis of force majeure but it does illustrate that they were leaving well beyond their means and were completely dependent on the owner being willing to continually fund the loss. Take the owner out of the equation and it collapses. if they'd been sustainable as has been claimed then surely they'd have a queue of buyers happy to take it on - and it sounds like that might not be the case until the annual loss is dramatically reduced.
So 2.5 million then, we will be lucky if we receive all of that 2.5 million with wigan been on there arses. We should have been getting 3.5, 4 million for him minimum regardless of if he wanted out or not he had 2.5 years on his contract.
It depends - if Wigan are liquidated we will just get a share of whats left and thats likely to be not very much if Wigan are to continue playing in the EFL they have to honour their football debts and in which case we will get it
No, he hasn’t but (to the best of my knowledge) he’s never been sold for a fee either. He gets the financial benefit of that.
What's the current situation with the money we are owed by Hull? Are there any other irregular payments outstanding to BFC? These could all be very pertinent in the current financial / Rona climate.
As at the close of the last accounts (May 2019) the club were owed just over £5m in transfer fees. The club were due to pay £1.4m on it’s outstanding transfer payments. These figures were all due to be settled within 12 months so, in normal course of business should be settled. The transfers of Pinnock, Moore and Lindsay would not be in these debtors.
Always said he's like a **** Ibrahimovic for racking up the signing on fees, wonder if he pushed for a move because let's face it - if they stay up this season they'll struggle next year.
With these geniuses in charge, it wouldn’t surprise me if we end up owing Wigan money due to the sell on clause, 15% of the loss should cover it!
Makes me laugh when fans bang on about loyalty to clubs when in reality if they were in Kieffers boots they’d do the exact same as what he’s doing - moving for money. I dont blame him he trying to secure his family’s future reality for the vast majority of football league players is they need to find employment once their football careers are over in kieffers case he’s 6/7 good years to earn as much as he can he won’t have earnt much before the age of 24 so good on him.
What's the mystery? Moore's entire career has been one of upping sticks. His time at Barnsley was the second longest he's been at any club. The guy and his agent know the way to maximise earnings for a player unlikely to ever play in the prem - just rotate through lots of clubs, pocketing signing on fees and an agent's cut. He won't be at QPR too long either. Personally I don't give a monkeys what what he or his agent wanted - we lost him on the eve of the season when we need to be at our strongest. If he wanted out, it should have been at our convenience, not his.
All the best Wigan players will be leaving. It just so happens he’s in cracking form & is the first they’ve accepted an offer for. Apart from us to Wigan has he really pushed for any of the other moves? Evans had stopped putting money into Ipswich & was happy to sell, Wigan have no choice & then the rest of his clubs were tiny ones who probably had to sell him he first offer they got. I don’t think there’s some routine of refusing to play
£4m may have been one of the reported offers, but how much of it was up front. How much was guaranteed installments and how much was dependant on performance? Either way. £4m was still light, when you look at other transfers.
It's an example of a player getting better once he's left. Granted he was great in League 1 for us during promotion but his Championship goal stats are far from amazing. 4 with us and 7 at last count for Wigan?