Finally been released....... It will be hidden away on MSM sites as the public sector pay rise by coincidence got announced the same day.
And this #TroyBastards
Russian Oligarchs own the Government so there was no one asking if Russia interfered with elections / EU Referendum despite suggestions the Scottish Referendum was interfered with , the hacking of Democrat computers in US and some interference in previous French election .
So the Tories have been compromised by the Russians, and have basically committed treason. If you voted for these criminal, vindictive, selfish sacks of human garbage, well done. Massive, massive well done. Let's get the "buts" out the way: But Corbyn But Marxism (lol) But antisemitism But will of the people But immigrants But unelected bureaucrats But IRA sympathizer Any more for any more?
I think you've covered it. However, the voting system in this country means individual votes don't effect the final outcome. I voted Conservative but Labour got back in where I live.
I think labour under corbyn were as weak an opposition as i can historically recall offering nothing remotely sensible or doable.This doesn’t make me a Tory as I believe this is the most clueless, bumbling set of self important, dangerous buffoons I’ve ever seen make up a government. I’m absolutely sweating for starmer to grab the game by the scruff of the neck and introduce a sensible and strong attack based on sound advice by experts in their field and not continue the current policy of listening to other twits who loved them at boarding school.
Pay rises for public sector staff, *except* nurses and care workers. Apparently Sainsbury's don't take "Claps" in part payment for food - although Lidl might if you ask nicely. The big thing it tells us is that the May government ignored the possibility of interference in the 2015 & 2017 General Elections and the 2016 referendum and didn't look for evidence either way. That suggests that some of them were happy with the interference as they got power/money as a result, and the compromise of others might have been discovered. And the 2019 General Election was probably also targeted under Johnson, but that dates after the report was written.