Looks like they are pursuing the appeal according to this: https://www.wigantoday.net/sport/fo...ns-must-wait-bit-longer-news-takeover-2922137 they must think they have a case, given how weird it all is. Crazy that the appeal hasn’t already been heard
I spent my lunch reading the EFL’s rules and that’s the key one for me. They’d have to prove that it was all down to COVID, which it clearly isn’t.
They might have had to lodge the appeal by a certain date or lose the right so did that as a matter of course and engaged a lawyer. They will then assess whether the likelihood of winning (and the benefits of doing so) is worth spending £500k (their costs plus those of the EFL) on. With no precedent and a DCMS report which says that football must be run on a more financially appropriate basis, they’ll decide before 31July whether to proceed, so if they do go ahead they must reasonably believe they have a good chance, otherwise the administrator, whose job it is to run the business sensibly, has just wasted a lot of money which could have paid creditors.
Knowing how these things work, there is an equal chance that the EFL will award Wednesday a 12 point head start next season.
If they are to proceed with this appeal they should be made aware that if they should lose another points deduction starting next season is applied . There is no rhyme or reason for this appeal other than an outside body feels sorry for them and unjustly rules in their favour . A points deduction for appealing set rules next season may make them see sense .
They wouldn't spend the money they are doing just in the hope someone feels sorry for them. They will feel they have a case, whether they do is another matter. But appeals do tend to reduce sanctions for some reason.
They have no case though . enter admin and it’s a 12 point penalty . Every club who’s entered admin feel special ..
How many have appealed? I don't know anything about this case in particular, but they must feel they have a case. Not saying they'll win, but our survival isn't certain at the moment.
For me the only way they will appeal is if they privately sound out the EFL and in that case it would imo be a done deal and stink to high heaven . With our board I don’t think they’d try that because they’d back up their threats with legal action . If it had been Patrick Cryne or John Dennis I genuinely think they would have tried it on .
They've already started the appeal process. It gets heard next Friday. Speculation in local media in Wigan is that they are still pursuing the appeal.
What Wigan are saying is cos the season should have ended on May 6th.. or whatever. But didn't coz of covid19 shutdown, They didn't go into admin in "the season" they went in on 1st July. so its unprecedented ....So the 12 point deduction should not apply. Plus no one football related as failed to be paid in full.... Also am sure Wigan would have excepted the 12 point deduction today if they would have stayed up, no messing.
But the season wasn't finished and they along with the rest of the championship voted to play on So we were still in season and the deduction should stand
Efl “Are you in administration because you pay players more than you can afford whilst your attendances are minimal?” Wigan “Yes” Efl “Close the door on the way out then you underneathing scumbags”
From The above article "Wigan administrator Gerald Krasner, from Begbies Traynor, has not offered much hope about any appeal. "The only grounds we have is 'force majeure'," said Krasner. "This situation was totally unexpected, so we believe this case applies." But the EFL have already rejected that as a grounds for appeal and things look bleak. Wigan Today reported: "Krasner pointed out no club had ever successfully challenged the 12-point penalty for entering administration, which would be applied this season. "He said the administrators were also working on a strategy to ensure the club would not be liable to a further 15-point deduction for failing to pay creditors 25p in the pound."
I'm not saying they're right..I hope they get laughed out of the hearing. What i'm saying is, what the covid part of their appeal is... You know lawyers, they love a loop hole, thats how they make their money..