Ireland's nice too . Not too expensive and you can take the car across with you so transports sorted . Would nt mind doing the Shetland isles either . A lot of travel involved ( drive to Aberdeen then ferry ) but I bet it's beautiful up there .
not been to the Shetlands, but have been to The Hebrides, Mull, Skye and the Orkney's. All fantastic especially the Orkney's.
That's why they are one of the best in the world. They're taking real action, not "maybe don't go to the pub" or "go to work, but work from home, but furlough your employees, but keep your business open" like our pathetic government did.
If you do go to the Orkney's be sure to visit Skara Brae, an acient Iron age village and all the other pre-historic monuments too, all fantastic. Also on the island of Hoy visit the WW2 Italian POW Chapel.... its stunning.
The fells back of Skiddaw and Blencathra are quiet and easy walking. A really good circle starts from the village of Mungrisdale. Ascend Bowscale Fell by the east ridge (steep start) take the ridge to Bannerdale Crags. take the path towards Blencathra (West) and at the depression in the path take a south east turn and follow the path on the south side of the River Glendermakin (easy walking). Eventually you come to a fell directly in front. That is Souther Fell. I recommend that you go over the fell as the path in the valley was washed away the last time I waked it. When decending from Souther fell, you can see the little car park and the pub. Unfortunately there is no direct access and you have to detour for about half a mile. If I can help let me know and I'll direct message you with further info. Dave
I'm writing this from my house in Spain. I was booked to come here in May (obviously cancelled) and then again in June - which I pushed back until the Portsmouth- Santander ferry restarted which I took on 5-6 July. Got to my house at Biar in Alicante province just before midnight on Monday, 6 July. Scheduled to come back on 2-3 September. Will wait and see how this develops i.e.when the quarantine is lifted. If it's still on in September I may simply delay my return(specially if no-one's allowed in Oakwell still by 12 September !). I don't feel at all threatened by covid here: Biar's small (4-5k population) historic and beautiful. It also has quite an aged population - there have been 3 cases recorded here of covid (one the sister of the lady who runs the tourist office), no deaths. My perception is that this is just another "smoke and mirrors" action by the U.K. government because they have no meaningful plan to phase the U.K. back to "normal" but want to be seen to be doing "something".
The current number of cases in Spain isn't much higher than here in the UK - and we are currently averaging significantly more daily deaths per day than Spain...
Tell me about it. My auntie's carer is a young lady from there who's over here for university and her parents want her home and not hanging around in England as they are worried for her. Hong Kong today reported a measly 145 cases and yet it's a record high day so they have put in heavy restrictions.....
Could they be demonstrating to Spain what damage could be done to the tourism industry, which would serve as a timely reminder that Spain needs to think carefully about its stance on Gibraltar during the brexit negotiations? Or am I being a bit cynical?
Return from Spain today. Annoyed like most as in an area with 6 cases in a month. Uk has far more in the area I live in yet people walk about in the fresh air without a mask whereas here it is compulsory on the streets and in supermarkets. Sanitiser at every entrance of shops, bars, supermarkets - bathed in the stuff. Ah well do as I am told in Boris tonto land.
Jet2 now cancelling flights back and "asking" customers to return early.