We fought for it it wasn’t handed to us on a plate. If you want something go out and fight for it don’t bleat about it do something .
I was referring to my own circumstances as being a miner women didn’t work down the mines but in the general context it’s sons and daughters and sentiments the same .
Nah you weren't. You were addressing another poster, not referring to your own circumstances. Good old-fashioned casual misogyny.
As part of Generation X I very much support the argument that the older generations, including mine, need to pay more but I'd be interested to see what that graph would have looked like a generation ago, or two generations ago. The issue is not that older people hold most of the wealth, which I'm sure holds true for any historical period, but that the degree by which that's true is increasing and that graph doesn't really demonstrate that.
OK boomer. I'd love to know how you "fought" for the availability of free university tuition and affordable housing when you were in your teens.
Ageism the new ism. So are you saying that during that generation all the uk population that voted, voted for the party that got in. 47% voted Tory in the last election so are you saying what ever policy change they make it's the 53 % who didn't vote for them that are accountable?
By being active in political party’s and campaign groups and shaping manifestos and such . There’s plenty the on the internet about the history of struggle .
But isnt that what families are meant to do... look after each other not abandon the old dears to Gods waiting room and the weekly awkward sunday afternoon visits...
No they didnt - of those that voted it was only 43% that voted Tory 57% of us voting didnt If you include those that didnt vote either because they didnt feel they could support any party or didnt see the point etc it drops to 29% and if you include the entire country it drops to 21% We have a flawed electoral system which contributes massively to the failings in successive governments to act in the best interests of the entire country Only 14million people actually voted Tory
Well you said that free university tuition and affordable housing was available to you because you "fought for it," so I was exploring how exactly you fought for it. And it turns out you didn't.
This is a strange hill to die on for someone who I was under the impression identified as a socialist.
Yes it is true .it was fought for before my generation and my generation kept it up and fought moves to change it . We didn’t blest and blame the last generation .
That emphasis my point more what I'm trying to say is you cant blame a generation of people when small % that votes and an even smaller % that comes up with these policies it's a date and time in history.
I’m sick of my generation being classed as scroungers and something for nothing . What we had our forebears fought for and we fought to keep it and enhance . As a socialist I’ve fought and voted to keep these benefits but now I’m seeing them being eroded and then blamed by some as if we’re pilfering and should not have had these benefits . Instead of blaming and accusing we should be fighting together.
So a generation before you fought for the benefits you enjoyed, and that fight was kept up by subsequent generations continuing to fight. As a result you were able to enjoy the benefits as a young adult notwithstanding the fact that you hadn't yourself yet fought for anything. Following that logic through, where does the blame for current young adults' position lie? Maybe you didn't blame the previous generation because they did a good job.
Of course you didn't, they provided you with all those benefits and as soon as you could your generation ensured no one else would ever be so lucky again.