how do you qualify to say you're from 'Tarn?' - are you born/raised in a certain area of Barnsley - live close to Oakwell - or is it enough to have been born within the town boundaries - Can you only say you're from 'Tarn' if you support BFC ?
It's sumat I've never said because it sounds silly coming from people who aren't from Barnsley in my opinion.
In my opinion, it's not to do with BFC. If your registered place of birth is Barnsley and it's districts then you are from Tarn.
It's something I'd never claim, as I was born in Wakefield. However, growing up in Ryhill, it always amused me that the village was in a small crossover section which has a Wakefield postcode and a Barnsley telephone code (although originally this was a Royston telephone code until they did the change to add the 72 prefix to the existing numbers).
If Barnsley is the place you identify with, then you’re tarn. My lad was born in Ireland, but has grown up since 6 months old in Barnsley. He’s definitely tarn. Likewise with my wife, she might still have somewhat of an American accent but she’s a Barnsley fan and can’t ever imagine living anywhere else now. Might not sound tarn, but she is tarn
I was born in Sheffield and now live in South Derbyshire, but I was raised from birth in Hoyland Common before I went off to poly, so I'm from Barnsley. In reality it's what you identify with, not where you were born or moved on to.
Correct I have mates who identify coming from Tarn being born here and resided all their lives but for some horrific event in their lives are Leeds and Wendy fans .
There’s a lot of non-Barnsley folk in our office, and many of them say ‘going to pop into Tarn at lunch’ I’ve even heard one or 2 say Tear instead of tea. Just need them to say Snap time instead of lunch
If thar wants to say thar frum’t Tarn , good ahead an fill thee booits. I’ll at least welcome thee as Tarn
I'd second that, but add a caveat to include those who weren't born in t'tarn, but grew up there. If you are, you know you are.
Mines been here 10 years now and she’s still got that American twang sometimes. It does get better though over time
7 years this side of the pond for mine, though some of that was in Ireland. She's started to crack it though, she'll automatically say summat, nowt, wheer, eyup etc. I'm training her
Born Stainy, lived Darton, Kek, Tarn centre, Doderth and Old Tarn - currently living in rural North Yorkshire and missing home like mad. Tarn is where the heart is.