Sorry didn't realise there has been a covid-19 vaccine available for society's most vulnerable. How did we miss this? If I haven't, then the two aren't comparable.
I mean, I've said for years that it's common courtesy to wear a mask if you're sick and have to go out. I genuinely hope it becomes the norm here, as it is in Asia, where people do so without thinking, because it's the right thing to do.
So whether it’s ‘common sense’ or not depends specifically on the demographic of the most susceptible population? Right-oh.
Call me old fashioned... but if i can do something that reduces the chances of potentially killing someone or drastically affecting their quality of life for say, week or months.... I will. Washing my hands. Covering my face to try and spread less droplets and distancing as far as I can seem like very small things to do. Some call it political manipulation. Others might just call it decency.
My household shields. On the very few instances since the pandemic started, the handful of instances i've been outdoors, I've worn a mask and gloves. Common sense and decency, as you say.
At least the mask advice is better than the nuclear attack advice. If I remember correctly, in the event of nuclear attack, we were advised to paint the windows white and crouch under the table!! Anybody want a debate on the effectiveness of this advice?
What about during flu epidemics, did you wear a mask then? After all, flu is a much bigger killer of babies and children than the Vid, so it’s only common sense and courtesy, right?
I seem to be doing well don't I? Seeing as I've never had flu. But this isn't about me, its about you. So you stay classy.
An hour or so of research and it appears to me that the Swedish approach was/is now pretty much the current UK approach, except without this demand to wear masks.
So far I've read that it causes lung damage, heart damage, brain damage and sepsis. Most of these stories are fear-mongering/ clickbait. No wonder people think that 7% of the populatiion have been killed by the virus rather than 0.1%.
My point was that the citizens of Sweden wore masks anyway, because they're not *****. There was also a massive social distancing effort, far more than you'll see in any town centre pub this weekend. They used common sense, while brits seem to take pride in being reckless.
Im sorry, I don’t know what that means, can you explain the comment? I have a flu jab every year. I followed the lockdown to the letter, and now, as I’ve said before when I posted about masks, I’m following the mask rules to the letter - even though they’re ******* stupid. However, I reserve the right to continue to point out that the lockdown was insane and will cost thousands of lives more than it saved, and the hypocrisy of those people who are now all of a sudden saying mask wearing is ‘common sense’ and ‘courtesy’ when they’ve gone 50 years through various epidemics without ever wearing one or extending that ‘courtesy’ to others until it’s been enshrined in law.
Many things I could say, but I shan't waste my breath. If you can't see where the lack of class is, there's really little point in explaining it to you, is there?