As far as I'm aware you can still catch flu and pass it on. The jab reduces this, but doesn't guarantee.
Yes you can, this article suggests upto 77% in this study had no symptoms.
Well sounds like you can. So odds are you have passed it on and been part of a chain that has killed someone before, as we probably all have. I think that was the point that was trying to be made.
That's pretty much it, and logically "common sense" looks like it dictates we therefore need to wear them all winter, and we've been acting immorally our whole lives.
Two quick points: one has a vaccine and is extremely determined by the seasons: the other has killed more in a handful of months than influenza does generally over a couple of years and that's with lockdown and social distancing in place.
So it's ok if someone gives my Nan the flu and kills her as it doesn't kill as many as Covid and its seasonal? Even though wearing a mask or social distancing could save her life?
You're also missing the huge difference in infection rates. One is significantly more transferable than the other. Your suggestion is nothing to do with the science or facts. I'm in the business of saving lives so your argument is anathema to me.
I'm not missing it all. I agree with you, it's a numbers game. We are willing to accept killing people through are actions as long as it's a relatively small number. That's how society functions. Morally however, we have to accept that we are being hypocritical as all lives should matter equally but in reality they don't. If wearing a mask and social distancing would stop even a hundred from dying of flu every year should we do it?
your nan is entitled to a flu vaccine bud,as are millions of other folk, where as corvid presently doesnt have a vaccine and this is why extra measures are in place.
Yes I understand that, and for the record my grandparents have all sadly long since passed I was just making a point. If wearing masks and social distancing saved even a few hundred lives every winter from flu should we do it?
It helps in one way but hurts in many others. The reason they weren't recommended before was how dangerous they are for the masses to wear and that hasn't changed at all. All that's changed is media pressure
How many people are you willing to have a hand in killing before you feel guilty? Genuine question. You've hinted a few times that the thousands killed by flu aren't enough for you to do anything
Those who have been kicking off big time and accusing people of wanting people die only care if someone dies from the virus THEY choose to care about. Hypocrisy at its finest
Worldwide flu kills more than BOTH the Nagasaki and Hiroshima nuclear bombs combined every 6 months but that isn't enough bodies in the ground for people to give a damn about. It's only when the telly tells them to care that they take action and tell others that they want people to die.
I have to say my behaviour has been altered, I never gave too much thought to how I could be spreading any virus before unless i was actually ill. I just find it odd that people only want to apply it in the context of Covid. Moreover if you even dare to suggest how the measures would also save lives from flu deaths you are accused of denying the severity of Covid19.
no or we are going to wind up wearing them all year round because theres other viruses that also kill folk,where do we stop? btw,i get your point.
If you're suggesting this is not serious I can tell you it absolutely is. Our friends son caught it while working in Italy very early on...he is not in any way vulnerable...a 31 yr old, 6 foot 6 inch University rower....he was in bed for 10 weeks and has still not fully recovered. I know we aren't India but most of the world are on the same page about Covid, so it's bothering anywhere is talking about social distancing and mask wearing both still happening even after a vaccine.
If ever you need a demonstration of why the enforced lockdown was necessary in the UK, look no further: