In match day recap. Just before they’re walking out of the tunnel he was drinking a Redbull. Never thought that’s the sort of drink a footballer would have minutes before a game
Yeah I saw that. Was surprised he’s allowed it by the club Docs etc. However I guess it’s just sugar and caffeine at the end of the day.
A quick energy rush, I know that most teams, probably all, at half time have tubs of skittles, gelly babies, and other e numbered sugar fix sweets
In the fifties and before, the pre-match drink of some of our better players was a couple of pints of bitter.
If that surprises you you'll be absolutely astounded by what diaby has before a game Yes that's right, lucozade sport. Probably
Jamie Vardy has Red Bull before a game, and at half time, or at least did not so long ago. I’m sure Jon Parkin spoke about them on his podcast too. One manager, can’t remember who, had them consuming a lot of energy drinks, and Parkin gave them up due to having constant sh*ts.
Varies from person to person. For some it’s immediate others it takes time to have an effect. Read up on it when I was preparing for a half marathon.
Full of the stuff that gives you an energy boost, so it makes sense. Better than having it in cocktails on a night out then being wide awake in bed at 3 am Sunday morning
It’s quite common, most players use energy shots, they’re like a gel pouch? You’ll see a lot of players having one before coming off the bench or when a player is down injured. They’re lousy though, probably why some players choose to drink a red bull instead.
Yep, I run marathons/ultra-marathons and basically you need to keep your carb levels up to burn energy - gels are the easiest way to do this and many contain caffeine as this is one legal performance enhancing stimulant you can take. The only palatable gel I have found are the Maurten gels but they very expensive and I save them for race day. I'm fairly sure the Leicester team also used concentrated beetroot juice shots when they won the title as well.