Yes, we know, the same as wearing masks would be for that age group, side effects worse than not bothering. So they are unimmunised and therefore at risk from flu, as we've been saying.
Do you have statistics of how many UK flu deaths there are per year? I'm curious to know the actual numbers but struggling to find any robust data. The UK has approximately 600k deaths per year. Covid 19 was projected to hit those sorts of numbers if it was left to spread through the population without intervention. So seeing as we have only 600k deaths in the UK of all causes, flu can't be anywhere close to covid 19 in terms of its potential impact, can it?
To be blunt- yes. We cannot be completely risk averse to every single potential cause of death, or we would have to ban cars etc. as we know people die on road accidents every day. It needs to be proportionate. There is a vaccine for flu, there isn't for Covid right now. If we hadn't have locked down then the death toll would have been much higher. What we can do is take precautions in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and relax them once the risk is minimal.
I agree and that's the only point I was trying to make. The consequences of the lockdown are going to be very far reaching, I would doubt we would see a 2nd lockdown like the one we had in April.
In which case, we will likely see the predicted death rate into 6 figures in the UK alone in the event of a second wave.
So you will only answer a question with a question. I'll leave it at that I think. Feel free to have the last word.
I merely asked a simple question if you knew what the numbers of flu victims were per year. If you can't or don't want to answer, that's of course fine. But there's no need to get your knickers in a twist about a simple question.
Look trust this government- get symptoms of Covid at home it’s now 10 days. Come back from Spain with no symptoms (Where you wear a mask even out doors) it’s 14 days. Love this lot!
Go on I'll bite one last time. We are just going round in circles. I don't feel the actual numbers for this years flu deaths are relevant to what I was asking you. You obviously feel they are and won't answer what I was asking. Or at least that's my interruption of our exchange. I don't wish to debate it any further. My knickers are fine, thanks for the concern. Have a nice day.
Of course they are relevant. If numbers weren't relevant and every effort to preserve every life at all times was undertaken, you could get into all forms of actions couldn't you? Alcohol could be banned because of the impact it has on fatality numbers and aggravated incidents, not to mention liver based diseases. What about smoking, that kills people, everyone knows it does, so that should be banned, yes? And so on and so on for every cause of death. My feeling with Covid 19 is its killed so many people so far with pretty low levels of infection that when extrapolated to full population numbers, it turns out a morbidity figure comparable with the total UK deaths pa. That's a bit scary. no? We've had a few scares in the past with bird flus and swine flus and SARS and MERS, but nothing like this. Its an assumption of course, but if flu in the UK killed huge amounts of numbers and face masks and other actions would assist in reducing that number and meaningfully extended peoples natural lives, wouldn't more advice, guidance and suggestion be made into how to go about it? Aside from recommendations to get the flu vaccine for vulnerable groups and those near those who are vulnerable, I'm unaware of anything further that is recommended. Anyway, enjoy your day. No animosity from me. Merely asking questions I was interested in the answers to.
A drop on last Thursday but it won't be brought up by MSM because they only mention when we see a slight rise like yesterday.
I have a question but I don’t think it’s possible to know the answer. How many people who die from flu each year were offered a free vaccine but didn’t have it? I know there are lots of people who can’t have vaccines because of weakened immune systems and they need people close to them so have one to keep them safe (but obviously they’re still inevitably going to interact with people who haven’t). If you don’t have a weakened immune system you can even pay £20 and have it done at Boots if you want so really, flu deaths should be limited to only those with weakened immune systems but I’m certain the numbers are far higher than that. The government publishes the percentages of those eligible for the vaccine who had it but obviously that doesn’t account for those who would be at more risk from it for various other reasons.
No. When we have had a really mild winter we have seen as few as 4,000 flu deaths a year in recent times (sad as it is). If everyone who can would have the free flu virus then the statistics would be lower too year on year. This is not flu though it's covid 19. It's infinitely more infectious and deadly.
Thanks for that. Thats helpful and a much lower level than I thought it would be considering how flu was being whipped up in some quarters . Of course all deaths are sad. But in the face of this pandemic, flu really isn't the comparative argument its being made out to be when you compare the morbidity of each.
Must acknowledge that the rate of death is much higher in years when we have a cold winter. Not anywhere near what we have seen with covid over a handful of months (and a lockdown to boot) though.