Have to admit, they are starting to get on my ******* tits they are. I never had anything against them. Now, I hope they completely utterly implode aka bury **** em
Think you,ll find that if they hadn’t,been relegated the points would come off next season,tell me if I,m wrong.
They’re even trying to justify us being in bottom three most of season we should accept relegation ffs . So don’t Cardiff snd Swansea deserve to be in playoff on that basis . Somebody tell em we finish when season finishes and when it did they got the 12 points as promised. Why the fek should EFL have any responsibility for them having crooked owners . They showed proof of funds then. withdrew them after takeover nothing the EFL could so about that. I think decent fans from both sides are seeing this for what it is imo . It’s unfair what the owners have done but they are their owners end of . Fans from both sides goading each other then posting each other’s reactions is to be expected . Top and bottom of it is that they were paying players and buying players unfairly . The income coming in wasn’t sustainable with money going out , we have a slight bigger fan base than them and we couldn’t get anywhere near that . The only thing wrong with all this is that Wendy and Derby havnt been punished and that is where my sympathy lies with Wigan .
You’re wrong. The points only came off the following season if they finished in the bottom three without the deduction.
To their fans it's become a world against them with us & EFL the sole instigates However which way they ended up in administration was purely the Wigan athletic owners doing, nothing to do with us and the EFL applied the rules They are quite happy to maybe see us go under due to their miss-managment in over-spending as long as they are allowed to cheat their way out of a load of debt and give a new owner a £6m bonus But try telling that to their fans! So blinkered in their sight, Yes they were better than us kicking downhill, but they ended up kicking uphill against the wind I'd honestly accept relegation if Wigan were forced to pay 100% of all debts by any new owner and if not join bury
Yep their doing my bloody tits in too. People are buying their sob story too and really hating on us. Just goes to show most fans justify cheating. Argh well. Even if we end up in league 1 little old barnsley will be bigger than wigan still. Weve always been in top 3 leagues playing fair. Weve recovered from administration. Barnsley will always be a footballing town and always has been. On the other hand wigan will be below us again in the near future. They may not recover from this and i couldnt care less to be fair. They chose to fire abuse at us over social medìa. We never abused wigan fans. We celebrated but they would do the same. If it was other way round. So ye stuff them and i hope we never meet again unless its an fa cup game.
They’ll be enjoying regular Derby’s with Rochdale and Oldham soon . No way back for them with no benefactor to fund em . Crowds will level Rugby will be main sport and Keith Hill or Flicker for manager .
I read there forum and one wigan fan called us rotherham wannabes, jesus from a club who struggled to shift 27k tickets for a f a cup final
Couldn't have said it better. Im getting fed up with Wigan fans. They are blaming EFL, Barnsley, it will be the commission tomorrow to blame. They think their owners aren't part of their 'club' and the conspiracy that their owners are corrupt is everyone else's fault. They are delusional in thinking they have no debt. Having gone from liking Wigan and their fans i now feel sorry for them, not only due to being on the brink of losing their club.
I wouldn’t pay much heed to some of their comments tbh they wouldn’t have got much sense out of Brum or Boro if they’d finished third bottom they would have been an irrelevance . They done as a Top two tier club imo now DWs washed his hands and shut his wallet. They may have the odd forays for a season or two but big boys football will be out of reach in the long run .
Had they got the points to stay up , then they would have taken administration. Don’t see how they really have a case for appeal
One of the Wigan fans said...to pass the fit and proper person test, all you need to do is email the EFL a photo showing you holding a big bag with dollar signs on....that's it sorted.
Looks as if that’s what’s happened with them tbh. The fit and proper persons isn’t worth the paper it’s written on but the rules are the rules . I’m clinging on to any way we can stay up , fairness in football is non existent I’m not down with this sympathy lark sympathies ok if your not the recipient imo . The EFL haven’t taken the points off them for nothing and I know it’s hard to take for their fans when it’s out of their control but it is what it is . Every team including themselves knew the points deduction was coming and they were willing to take it as long as they didn’t suffer . That’s tough it’s designed to make teams suffer otherwise what’s the point ? The Wigan fans should be looking no further than previous owners not the EFL not the team benefitting from their misdemeanours .
This all over. Spot on. Ive just about had enough of their ****. Even if they win their appeal. Theirbin the brown and will after pay bigger wages in the championship while debts are mounting
Wigan owner: Dear EFL please do not deduct my club 12 points because I am not a fit and proper person. You should have checked me better. Absolute ******** of an excuse