They certainly have had a lot of leeway so if judgement goes against them they can’t complain . I would say if they havnt objected to any of the rules as they were laid out they can’t claim they’re unfair . Claiming because they have fallen foul of them after they were voted on they’re not fair is a bit late imo. I think we are noted as to questioning certain rules as they were laid out before they had any effect on us .
Personally, I'm relatively relaxed about the prospect of this being overturned. I don't see how they can argue as 'force majeure' a scenario that they actually identified as a financial risk and a material uncertainty in their last published accounts. Not only did they say that the company was reliant upon the continued support of the owners, but that it would become reliant on the support of its new owners once the sale was completed, and neither could be guaranteed. Copy and paste of the relevant note from their accounts attached, showing the actual wording used by the directors at the time. These were filed on 21st March 2020.
There’s a lot of white noise about this issue all over the place. Personally, isn’t it a little ironic that the “administrator” is arguing about “administration”? Surely you don’t have one without the other. By the way, Force Majeure is an album by Tangerine Dream
When i posted earlier in this thread, I did wonder what the balance sheet position was and the going concern note in past accounts. I very much hope past financial statements have been put forward in the huge bundles of evidence to the panel. I just cant see how this appeal is successful. They were making losses already. a new buyer acquired the company mid pandemic and the punishment for administration is well known and accepted. The only aspect I'm not that sure of is the timing of a season and what does EFL regulation state. Because the season went beyond the norm, is there a caveat or loophole somewhere in EFL rules? I'd hope the vote to continue included some pledge of ability to conclude the seasons fixtures once commenced, but thats all down to the legal teams. I'll be shocked if its overturned. But then Man City managed it somehow!
Will the outcome be known by everyone involved today but those involved asked to keep their council or will those involved find out next week?
I would guess that the panel have a chat about it and make their views known to each other. I guess if the result is blindingly obvious they'd issue the decision immediately. Understandable that they won't issue it today, as I imagine they'll have some fat to chew and it's a Friday. One point, do they have a majority vote on it? Or is it a unanimous thing?
Sorry, I also just realised you asked whether the panel will inform Wigan and the EFL today (assuming they have an answer). I doubt this to be honest. I think once a decision is issued it'll be public.
I think the popular view is that the likely outcome will be known, albeit pending further discussion, by the end of today. The actual result will be known early next week, probably by Tuesday. No-one is expecting a result today but there may be a few leaked tweets tonight by supposed ITKers.
There'll be ITKers telling us that the deduction has been overturned, some saying it's been reduced reduced and some saying it's been withheld. Main thing is to understand the source of it. Random Twitter account with 5 followers, probably a WUM. BBC or Sky will have some substance. Local journos may have news from the clubs, but not able to report on it.
That @RobboHarry on Twitter seems to have the ear of Wigan's QC - been leaking stuff all week, so might be an account to watch.
Pertinent bit of the above: 1. Appeal against the 12-point penalty given to the club for being in administration The appeal commenced at 9am today (31 July) before an independent tribunal. Joint administrators Paul Stanley and Gerald Krasner both gave witness statements and were cross-examined. The appeal concluded with judgement reserved and a further update will be given when the outcome of this appeal is known.
All a bit generic until the final point. So the devil incarnate owner is acting as a witness for the appeal?! All doing my head in, we'll just have to wait till next week to know what grounds they are even appealing on. Does anybody know who is representing the EFL in all this? This Phillips guy is getting a lot of airtime, assume the EFL aren't messing about with their lawyers either.