I can't help but feel we have wasted the time between Brentford and the decision tonight where we should have been able to plan and focus on the championship next season. I hope we continue to push the EFL and play our part in changing things so clubs aren't in limbo like this ever again.
We've heard in past season where we've had two "lists" for transfer activity when we've not known if we were going up (from L1) or being relegated (from Champ). The club should have been able to adapt very quickly. And to be fair to the EFL, they did act on the administration in line with their rules. If Wigan hadn't appealed we would have known our status at the Brentford final whistle. Its the Wednesday and Derby matters that are a farce.
I know it may cause yet more uncertainty but I genuinely hope Charlton try to do something about the Wednesday farce.
Same way that it takes 8+ months to deal with Wednesday and Derby and 6+ months to deal with Diaby. Inefficiency.
Hope you are right about continue to play our part in changing things. I don't think the club have wasted any time though.
Unfortunately I think time is against them. From what I understand Wednesday have 14 days to lodge an appeal from when they receive the judgement in writing, which apparently they have yet to receive. If this was received tomorrow, and they waited to the 14th day that takes us to the 19th. If the appeal has to be heard in 14 days and this is again dragged out the to the 14th day, we are already into September. Add a few more days between the appeal and the announcement and it will be the week before the season is due to restart. Any challenge from Charlton, plus a subsequent appeal by either and we’d be into October. Maybe that is why the decision was so late to be announced? I can’t see the EFL starting 2 divisions late, so best I think they can hope for is a financial settlement. Plus, until their future is resolved, seems a bit daft relegating a team to give them a reprieve, only for them to be expelled from the league and one of the relegated teams reinstated into the Championship.
Don't think so, that merely suggest ineptitude, I think it's more premeditated with regard to Washdays and Derby - they've been looking for a way of just avoiding making any decisions. As for Diaby, the FA couldn't give a toss about him or Barnsley....
I am amazed in these days of 'litigation at the drop of a hat' UKAD are perilously close to a charge of negligence given that Diaby has been left in limbo... He could be could be subject to loss of earnings (especially if he was on appearance bonuses- although probably not) A footballer's career is short and he is being denied game time and so his development is being impacted. Emotional stress and worry, damage and no opportunity for career progression transfer fees or increase in wages... all on hold. All the above is due to the excessive delay in coming to a decision. It cannot be reasonably argued that, even with Covid causing staffing problesm, a single case could take so long to determine guilt or innocence. Putting aside the player's grievances above. His employers also are being deprived of his services and assuming they are still paying him are therefore suffering financial losses. I am a little surprised that legal pressure is not being applied by either, or both parties to bring this matter to a conclusion. We are facing the farcical situation that this suspension could run over into the next season which would/should be totally unacceptable and brings into question whether UKAD is 'fit for purpose' .
They were giving Wigan’s cheque time to clear but it bounced. Just waited until close of business to be sure.
I suspect that in the current climate we only have one list, which consists mainly of bargain basement players. The plan for relegation simply said ‘sell everyone we can’.
In the current climate, all players outside the top four divisions in Europe are bargain basement - they just don't realise it yet....
Agreed . Clubs looking to sell a few players to balance the books are in for a rude awakening this summer .