If you want a forum version of Comedy Central to make you laugh before bed, start at the post...... https://forums.vitalfootball.co.uk/threads/12-point-appeal.106187/page-27#post-2391842
They're eating each other alive in there. Some fella posted Rick Parry's home address and it's all kicked off. Yet again, they can't seem to find the right target for their anger...
They came to Barnsley a few years ago in a pre season friendly - and they strolled to a 2 nil win. Kirkland was in goal. What a team they were. Barnsley fans looking on with admiration - If only we could afford players as good as this. CHICKENS HOME TO ROOST !!!
Nice to see us being described as " classy" in this piece in the Yorkshire Post. https://www.yorkshirepost.co.uk/spo...ter-efl-uphold-wigan-points-deduction-2933049
I’m disappointed that they don’t accept their own culpability in that they’ve ignored the obvious truth that living above your means comes home to roost eventually. How they can blame us and the EFL for them falling foul of a rule we all have to abide by alludes me. Nobody to blame but the previous owners. Bitter and delusional. Shame
Because in essence, they don’t have the fanbase, nor the location. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but nor do we. Hence living within our means. I hope this episode serves as a small clue as to why BFC operates as it does.
I get your point & agree with living in our means. We have a larger fan base than Wigan though, as it is a rugby league town & always will be. We are a football town & there is no football team in Wakefield & we are largely more successful than Donny, which stretches our catchment area somewhat. (We have traditionally lost fans to Wednesday in the southern villages, like Hoyland though). They are living on former glories, but will return to getting crowds of 4-5k very soon, which was their original fan base. I can't have any sympathy with them. Bankrolled for years & now they are royally ******.
I thought it was because they were chasing the golden egg. Hence the egg chasing bummers. The reason ****** terminology was used being where the egg came from or went
The attitude of many Wigan fans seems to be that losing £1m per month is not a lot for the Championship. Actually it is when you have the smallest fan base in the division. Saw one bloke bemoaning the fact that they might not be back in the Prem anytime soon and hoping they "show some ambition", otherwise, he added "what's the point". And there we have it, been in the Prem, attracted a few more fans, many whom labour under a sense of entitlement. Surely someone out there will divvy up and pay the bills?
You are right John, but we are not a small one either. We are not Rochdale, Scunthorpe, etc. We get a very decent average gate, better than Preston, Blackburn and quite a few others. I like the fact we are humble, but I do think we overdo it at times.
There's a difference though between living within our means and having a recruitment policy so restrictive it means the head coach is working with one hand tied behind his back and I hope following them getting a get out of jail free card courtesy of Wigan's new owner the board have learnt from last summer's mistakes.
They are turning on their QC, the administrator and questioning the integrity of the independent panel now. They didn't have a special case and owners not doing the right thing is par for the course in admin situations. The odd one or two are beginning to realise that.
Luton fans seem like a good lot. There's a couple of threads on here that are unanimously supportive. https://members.boardhost.com/lutonoutlaws/msg/1596557382.html