£180 for these school pumps purporting to be football boots. Wafer thin, zero protection, but all the kids will want them. These companies are just taking the p#$$
Pro boots have always cost an arm and a leg. Can still get a decent pair of boots for about 30 quid. Real shocker for me is the prices of replica shirts from clubs like Man City- just unacceptable!
They aren't even fit for purpose. One person treads on that wafer thin boot and you have a broken foot. I hate the un necessary constant re-design. Predators were good. Now we have footballers so feeble, they need superl-lightweight boots "because it makes them run faster" The marketing boll0x around this is laughable, but just look at the comments on Twitter "I need", "Smokin hot" "Love these" It's just cheap plastic tat!
I've never been bothered by stuff like this. same with shirts. market forces n that. 1000 other pairs of football boots. just give em a clip round ear and tell em to be grateful, if they whinge about getting a different kind. the really cool kids wear copa mundials anyway
I did same with mine - who now proudly wears black football boots that actually protect her feet. Just staggered at the amount of people who buy into this nonsense.
These expensive boots are no good at all. I paid a fortune for a pair and when I played in them, I was still *****!!!
Patrick Liverpool. £18 from Claytons at hoyland, reight booits. Could only dream of a pair a Puma King me.
Weren't too long ago, I used to wear boots called Puma Classics. They were Puma Kings without the gold on it. Only about £20.00 from Sports Direct and would last about a season or two of Sunday league abuse.
It is ridiculous though, I thought I was going mad with my Adidas Predators back in the day ( lovely boot though)