Slightly random thread, but I was talking to the missus about this last night. For me it was my grandmother when I came to her as a young 'un and told her I struggled a bit with social anxiety and didn't always know how to start or continue a conversation. She told me "ask a question". That's stuck with me for 15 years now, something so simple but had such a lasting beneficial impact on me. Has anything little like that ever stuck with you?
A problem shared is a problem halved. These days, I try to find two people to share a problem with, give them half each, and then leave them to it.
Always see the best in people. And if you're playing cricket: There's only two types of leave; a good one and a bad one
When I was a kid at school I remember at one point finding being teased by friends a bit difficult. My dear Mum told me that when people tease you it means they like you, if they don't like you they just ignore you altogether. Stuck with me has that.
Dunt drownd thisen till tha gets to canal... Brilliant in context of ..we'll never win at Brentford......good lad wer our old fella..
Please don’t tell your daughter that (if you have one), it leads to unhealthy relationships where they think the other person is mean because they care, not because they’re a dick. Also, please don’t tell your son that (if you have one), it can lead to them being a dick to people. I get that it may comfort someone being teased at the time but I think it does more lasting damage to society as a whole. It lets bullying be overlooked as harmless and it doesn’t help kids handle or express their feelings in a positive way.
Can't like this enough. It's also just blatantly false. If someone ignores you, it means they're apathetic about you, not that they don't like you.
I just think it’s dangerous. I’ve seen young girls going up to teachers and parents upset that a boy has done or said something to them and heard the reply ‘it means he likes you’. The girl goes away upset as the boy hasn’t been punished or even spoken to at all and confused as they always thought you were supposed to be nice to people but now they have this new knowledge that being mean is an acceptable way to show someone you like them. Most girls grow up to know that’s not true, or know how to spot the different between that and actually dicks, but not all of them magically shift that advice in their mind and still remember the echoes of that advice. Meanwhile, the boy gets to carry on his bullying and finds it almost encouraged as a way to make girls like him. What should happen is when the girl comes up crying the boy is spoken to and asked why he is doing it. Regardless of whether he says he likes the girl or not he should be told that what he is doing is actually bullying and it needs to stop. Someone appropriate can tell him how to express his liking of someone in a positive and healthy way.