Big campaign happening to put pressure on the government to allow crowds before teams follow Droylsden in not being around. They need to find a way to allow capacity crowds to be back asap in all forms of entertainment not just sport. The months of marches and packed beaches and bank holidays brought no spike in deaths even though more were involved in these then can fit in a Football stadium.
They will continue to come up with excuse after excuse to not let crowds gather for sporting events or recreational events as these are stress relieving pass-times (apart from supporting BFC!) And they want to keep us under perpetual stress, worry and fear as it makes us more compliant as a population. The sooner people stop fearing this faux "pandemic" and start to question this utter rubbish en mass we will continue to have our society eroded. The longer this goes on, they know people will become more anxious to return to "normal" and will accept more and more draconian measures to do so. If someone said six months ago that you would have to wear masks in shops, not see relatives or go to their house, stay at home from work for months and not be able to go within 1 metre of anyone else you would have called them mad. Now look, step by step, slowly but surely all those things have come into place. So slowly that the average man and woman never saw it coming. Coupled with the 24/7 in your face coverage of covid by the media at the behest of the real stringpullers we have been quietly brainwashed. The time to do something about this is quickly running short. All this over a virus with a survival rate nearer 100% than 99% - Like shelling peas for em.
Think they should allow season ticket holders in only, no away fans for a while. There would be room to social distance using the away end aswell and surely police costs would be minimal. The winter time I think is when the spike goes up so would need thinking about.
Because they're testing everyone and their mother. Should only be testing the acutely ill in hospital. Less tests, less cases. Funny how they have stopped constantly bleating about the number of actual deaths isn't it?
Another one here that thinks they are better than everyone else. Just a nothing comment with the intention of making you appear intelligent. It failed. No discussion, no rebuttal, just a jibe. Unbelievably childish.
The percentage of positive tests is remaining pretty stable, but with a slight rise in late July. So more tests does not explain away the extra positives. Furthermore if they are testing "everyone and their mother" and opening up testing to people who are less likely to have the virus then you'd hope that the percentage of positive results would be dropping but it isn't. I'm not saying I know the answer as to how to deal with things on a societal level, just addressing the point on the stats.
A rebuttal to what? This half-baked conspiracy nonsense that you can see all over the internet? It's honestly not worth it - anybody who gets taken in by that isn't going to change their opinion based on anything as irrelevant as actual facts. If you want to change my opinion then you need to come up with something better than that, but I'm all for it. You can see from my post history that I'm 100% in favour of holding the government and those in power to account - there's honestly nothing I'd like more than to take them down. All I need is a link to some proper science and we can get started. Looking forward to working with you!
I'm not saying that the people being tested are less likely to have it. I am saying that there will be countless thousands thay are being tested who have already had and overcome covid but still have it in their systems. We were told early on that large numbers would contract it without even knowing and it would be at most a harmless cold for the vast majority. These people are testing positive for a virus they had, not currently have yet their case is being added to the figures as a "new case".
We don't need mountains of evidence to see this is total rubbish. One simple question and common sense surely tells you that there is more to this, for a virus with a survival rate approaching 100% why do we need such oppressive and economically damaging measures in place when we have faced worse in the past and come through just fine?
Completely agree - I'm a big fan of common sense. I used to be a data analyst and can help you out with this - just send over whatever you've got and I'll put some graphs together.
Are people willing to get the virus and pass it onto elderly or vulnerable relatives? The facts are clear and certain groups are more at risk than others. Those who believe the government are using this as some sort of tool to keep us in check worry me they really do. I'm in no way a fan of this government but ruining the economy isn't a good way of keeping people in line in fact it generally has the opposite effect. They have made huge errors and acted slowly throughout this but I'd put that down to negligence over anything else. For me it comes down to a decision do we all follow the rules in order to protect the most vulnerable and at risk to the virus or do we worry about ourselves and accept some may die before their time so we can get on? The government have played a huge part in failing to properly track and trace the virus and the schemes they have offered are far to broad and lacking in detail so people have fallen through the gaps and will close as a result. The leadership we have seen from this government has been appalling and as a result lives will continue to be lost, unemployment will rise and the chance of us getting back to normality will be prolonged.
Isn't that exactly what we do every year? We accept that around 10,000 (on average over the last 5 years in UK) and at times upto around 30,000 a year will die so that we can get on when we know that a lockdown or enforced closure of many businesses would save a lot of those lives.
I just want you to know that your (more than likely) a fat middle-aged man with a crap life who cannot comprehend the fact that you might be wrong. Typical stubborn bloke from Barnsley. Throwing insults is pretty easy and amateurish stuff really.
I've no idea whether what you've said about percentage of positive tests being the same, but surely if that statement is true then it would completely vindicate and prove his statement of more tests = more cases wouldn't it??? Particularly given that deaths are down.
As a fairly fit, 27-year-old man with no underlying health conditions who tested positive for COVID, I can assure you it’s much more than a ‘faux pandemic’. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Also, where are you pulling your statistics from in regards to survival rate? There’s also numerous cases of people having longstanding effects after theyve got rid of COVID. But hey, don’t let that cloud your 1984-esque agenda!