Ah, fair enough, you admit you were just being deliberately daft on a wind-up. Well, sadly, as much as you'd hoped it worked, it hasn't, I'm off on holiday for ten days from tonight and my mood literally could not be better. I might even spend 20 minutes humouring you and searching for previous posts seeing as you seem to be suffering from amnesia. It can happen at your age, like.
*Sigh* http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/economic-impact.290344/page-4#post-2455516 http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/10m-now-unemployed-or-on-furlough.291300/page-5#post-2474321 http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/lockdown.290223/#post-2453154 http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/sweden-not-doing-a-lock-down.290072/#post-2450572 http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/here’s-a-test-for-you.289822/page-3#post-2445914 Do you need any more or will that do? By the way, this is an unrelated but interesting one - looks like me and @BarnsleyReds called it right: http://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/lockdown-duration-prediction.290015/
Jeez I’ll keep it simple and unambiguous 1 we have a Tory govt 2 them and their mates control the media 3 the whole point of a Tory govt is to make money for their mates in the city As they’re all known facts Why would they choose to crash the economy (just like almost every other major govt btw)? A they assessed the evidence and decided that in the long term it was the cheapest / safest option? B they were scared of some bad headlines? Im no fan of this bunch of charlatans; if they’d spent more earlier they’d have saved money and saved lives.
You're absolutely right about this part. A proper, full lockdown for a few weeks and we'd be out the other side now like New Zealand. All we've done is prolong the damage to health and economy when both could have been saved by spending a lot more for a shorter period.
How would we be out the other side? Let's say we eradicated the virus completely in march. Not one person in the UK had it. How would that stop it emerging again now?
You can't stop anyone coming into the UK for 12 to 18 months. Apart from anything else we get our food from abroad
you can’t rebut someone who has swallowed every conspiracy theory going there aren’t enough hours in the day.
Bad day for me to make this point, huh? https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-breaks-out-again-in-new-zealand-after-102-days-12047011
A proper test, trace and isolate program, which would include testing at the border. Unfortunately, the system we have now is not strong enough to support opening up the economy as much as we have. That is why we have restrictions put on large numbers of people. The situation in Leicester in particular would've been avoided with proper contact tracing. Just to sum up how bad it is, there is a metric that can be defined a 'perfect', which is 100% of people who test positive have already been asked to self isolate. At the moment, they can't even report on what that number is. Nor can they report on % contacts that have been asked to isolate within a certain number of hours of the initial request for a test. Unfortunately, the Govt have treated a health crisis as if they're managing an election campaign. End result is highest excess death numbers in Europe, and a decimated economy.
7 weeks in a row now that less people have died weekly on average. No sign of a so called second wave. MSM/Gov can't go on about high deaths so for a while now have switched to going on about infections when they haven't resulted in more deaths. High streets are dying with Oxford Street being reported to have 76% less sales then this time last year as clearly the pointless face coverings are putting people off going out to spend. I am actually shocked riots like we had in 2011 haven't happened yet with how controlled we are.
That's the problem. The world is connected these days with flights and ships arriving constantly. Passengers and crews every day and unless a country can produce EVERYTHING it needs then supplies have to be brought in so no matter how good a short temporary lockdown is it will achieve nothing at all in the long run. The only long term solution is to keep locking people down indefinitely until a vaccine is maybe produced and that's just not practical. The easiest way to think about it for me is this. Imagine that in November we had had an outbreak of covid-19 and entered lockdown till January. Brilliant, the UK was completely free of it. Much better than we are now with not a single confirmed case in the country. The lockdown was released and look what happened by march
You can test everyone at the border and there would be many people still entering who have only just been infected and so wouldn't fail a test.
It’s still possible to properly test people at quarantine them. Especially with the new 90 minute tests. Put it this way, we’d be in a far better position if we’d locked down properly and eradicated the virus back in March. New Zealand now putting the entire area into full lockdown. Doing it properly. “Act as if you have COVID and as if the people around you have COVID” - that’s how it has to be. The economy can recover.