These idiots use this sort of 'math' to prove their point. 700,000 deaths, population 7 billion = 0.01% death rate. It's stupid and it's a result of people having no cognitive skills combined with people preying on their stupidity on Facebook. It's the same reason Brexit and Trump happened.
We might have eradicated it in January, but we then allowed it to take hold again. It was ******* stupid and you welcomed it.
Absolutely not. Lockdown until it's eradicated. screen EVERYONE that comes into the country. Put them in a hotel for 2 weeks upon entering the country. No outside contact. give them essentials to be able to live. then test them after 2 weeks and if they're clean, they can go, if not, they have to stay until they test negative.
Until there’s a vaccine. Which there will be. It can start to be eased from other countries as they start to eradicate the virus themselves. It can then be a single test, but still tracking what that person does in the country. It’s about managing risk.
It's unworkable though. We get so much of our food from abroad and if the drivers drivers had to park up for a minimum of two weeks then the food would be spoilt. We don't have enough hgv drivers here to handle the extra workload either of taking over the UK leg of the journey, nor do companies have the money to fund the increased costs of having to pay two wages. We have to manage the risk but imo attempting to manage that risk solely or predominantly by trying to achieve the impossible and eradicate a global virus is the wrong approach. We should be managing the risk by focusing our attention on protecting the most vulnerable which is something we have completely ignored.
The death figures are split between those with and without comorbities. Those without comorbities ie a fit healthy adult the deaths from Covid 19 number without booting the laptop up and checking less than 3.5k The remaining deaths relate to those with comorbities and even then the numbers are way out given the 'urgent review' of the same by the Government. Theyll drop by a third. If you can find it, its on a gov. Website theres a breakdown of cases by age group. Its split by those who are healthy and those Who have underlying conditions. The recovery rate in all the demographics is in the higher 90% banding. Given that no matter what happens re a vaccine you will never truely eradicate a virus (flu 80 plus years and still trying) what is your cut off point for infections within the population of England before you would declare things to be under control? As a percentage.
Training and hiring more HGV drivers would be a lot cheaper than the state of limbo that we’re currently in. On your second point. We still know very little about the virus. Let me ask you, are you not at all bothered about the permanent damage that there’s evidence of in people that are otherwise completely healthy? Are you not worried about how much that will take off people’s lives? What about all the people with undiagnosed conditions? What about the people that care for the vulnerable? The families of the people that care for the vulnerable? Would you isolate all those? Where do you draw the line? You either stop the spread and accept the damage to the economy, while trying to limit the effect that damage has on people’s lives or you allow it to spread and accept that hundreds of thousands will die and untold numbers of others (I believe without looking studies with small sample size show up to 52% of people, so that’s about 35 million in the UK) could end up with permanent heart, kidney and/or lung damage. Not to mention the damage to the economy while so many people are in hospital on ventilators, hospitals unable to provide other care. I know which option I prefer.
My partner is 51. She has asthma. Her daughter is 19. She also has asthma. They're both capable of living long healthy lives but are vulnerable to covid according to the NHS website. I guess if either of them catch it and die though it doesn't really matter in your world view? You can just shrug your shoulders and say tough luck they had asthma.
ONS have updated their all settings date-of-death series up to 31 July. Deaths in England now below 20 per day.
It's one thing to have a vaccine though and another for the disease to be eradicated. There's a flu vaccine.
Apparently we can't do that seeing as hotels are choc full of 1.2 million illegal migrants. Who knew eh? ;-)
And when we are reporting cases we shouldn't really be comparing cases - Before / after testing capacity is limited - Before / after changes in test protocol (e.g. introducing testing pillars) - Before / after introducing contact tracing
How did they cope prior to covid. You know being vunerable to various respitory ailments like the previois strains of human coronavirus, pnumonia, rhinovirus, flu, bronchitis and other RTIs...
Covid 19 isn't like anything before it, I know all too well. I'm now asthmatic and.have to take medication daily. I've been told I'm still at risk though I do have antibodies. To have any.underlying health condition without antibodies is frightening. This virus doesn't act like any normal virus it tries to invade you and kill you. If it fails it hits you later, check out the term 'long covid'. Many Brits will be suffering long term without being added to any official registers.
"They" - "the real stringpullers" ?? Who are these people and what would be their purpose in doing what you have suggested? What possible motivation could they have? I can't buy conspiracy theories. They don't hold up to logical examination. So we have to look for alternative explanations - and I think they might be find in psychology and behavioural science. The actions we have taken have been based on fear. Logical or not, the virus has struck fear into people. Fear of death, fear of loved ones dying, fear of the unknown, fear of the Plague. Maybe that has been conditioned in us from centuries ago when the Black Death in the fifteenth century which was estimated to have killed between 30 and 60% of the population. Stories will have been handed down over the generations - a plague, a sickness that can spread like wildfire. Whatever - that's just idle fancy, but a possibility. The fact is that despite all the statistics you can muster to prove that this virus is nowhere near the same league as the Black Death or earlier pandemics, you cannot overcome this primal fear. Everything seems to spirng from that and it makes people act against logic, and against intelligence.