No I haven't so I'll ask the question again, will you actually give an answer to a really simple question?
Some will have good lives, some will have crap lives, just the same as any demographic you would like to discuss. Why are you flogging this particular horse? The thread contains topics ranging from mental health to paedophillia to corruption in government and associated bodies, yet you want to stick on a point about overweight people having poor lives? That's a bit weird to be honest.
It's risen back up by a third already, but packed out entertainment venues is going to help the economy more than getting WFH back to overpriced sandwich and coffee shops. If people wanted to wear a mask there through choice or didn't want to come back yet they should be supported with their decision. But the longer distancing restrictions are allowed the worse it will get. Our infections have gone up since mask wearing as it makes people more complacent in other ways. Countries who love a mask way more than us have seen bigger infection increases. It's about letting adults take responsibility for their own health.
I'm middle aged, now feel pogged after making a big lads breakfast. Was happy whilst eating it now regretting it. I'm a middle aged unhappy, pogged, Yorkshireman complaining about how warm it is. I'm officially a stereotype!
No it's just I'm interested in why a lot of people nearly always think being fat is almost always negative. I am not offended but a little frustrated , it's like the bad person is fat & bald & the person who's not to been taken seriously is likewise, as for pedos & corruption I have no idea, I have not read all the post in this thread. As for flogging this particular horse, your flogging it just as I am. weird, I al gi thi that.
I like Piers. He speaks his mind and it's funny seeing how much people get wound up about his views. But it's the likes of him with a big voice (pardon the pun) in the media who has peddled negativity for months, which has played it's bit in where we are today.
What has he said in that tweet that's wrong? I think the man's a complete tool - but that particular post in isolation is factually correct I think?
It's just ironic because he wanted a stricter lockdown which would have caused a even worse economic downturn. Also I'm not sure we should be comparing numbers with other countries. They all have different methods of counting. In fact we have different bodies in our own country who count differently. We may well have the worse death toll but I would day it's too early to make that claim.
Health v wealth? seems we chose neither
Don't get me wrong, I can't stand him. Haven't liked him for years. But previously he was a "ledge mate" for "telling it like it is". Now he's criticising the government, all the Tories across the land are up in arms about him. Also, I believe that we initially compared deaths with other countries. But that quickly stopped for obvious reasons.
Would it? Stricter lockdown and we’d be on the other side now, not in this $hit state of limbo we’re in.
No we wouldn't. Not without also making huge changes to our borders. The virus was essentially eradicated in January. In march we were building temporary morgues. 2 months from zero to temporary morgues.
But we'd be in a position where numbers are low enough that, with a proper test & trace system, any clusters could be spotted and dealt with quickly enough to minimise disruption. England started easing restrictions while there were still around 1000 new cases a day. Meant that everything was on the edge of a cliff. The UK locked down late, and pretty loosely, but that was doing the job albeit slowly. From the start of May and the whole "stay alert" nonsense followed by the Barnard Castle eye test, England was screwed.
Other countries have managed it. Many countries that had a strict lockdown are in a much better place economically than us and the US, who both elected for a wishy-washy half lockdown. We’re in a mess now because there is still community transmission, meaning we can’t open up fully and it won’t stop because we’re half opened up. We’ve done a **** job. The virus could have been eradicated and borders could have been closed down with the exception of essential business travel (HGVs etc) - tracking where the HGVs stop, who they come in contact with etc.
Economically yes we would have been much better off but I just don't think we would with the actual virus. Cases are extremely low as it is. Also don't forget that hgvs are typically part of the food chain. Closing that down would be a disaster which is the main reason that the borders weren't closed in the first place. Unfortunately we just aren't set up as a country to be self sufficient. It's my opinion that the single biggest thing that's ****** our economy was the ridiculously over generous furlough scheme that allowed businesses who didn't need to and weren't told to, to close down completely. There should have been less support for businesses that weren't ordered to close and much more support for those who were and in many cases still are ordered to close but are now having to pay employees to sit at home out of their own pocket.
If you want to say “Covid has exposed the fundamental weakness of the UK economic model” fine. But if you want to argue “if we’d locked down completely 10 days earlier or shut the whole country down for two weeks and it would have all be ok" that's just daft to me.