That doesn’t explain why people instead of saying well done to him etc only comment is to make it Political?
How does an individual doing a good thing for a charity expose the failures of the government? As someone else said there is enough faults to pick at without making incorrect statements.
I'm sure there were loads of threads saying well done to him. I'm sure I posted one and replied to a few.
What you don’t think there’s enough to go at then? Or you think it’s OK for someone to wrongly say the money was wasted on PPE etc?
Exactly Helen , I’m talking about the ones on this thread. The thread was about his life story not about the reasons a charity exists.
thats entirly my point, Tykster. But some on here cannot see.They just want to turn everything into a political weapon.
I a know that but it was always going to turn political the right are no different, remember that Bacon sarnie that the Right wing rags turned into political weapon???
How is saying well done to someone political? I agree his actions of walking to raise money has Political connotations. But this thread was about a program about his life and a recommendation to watch it. So try again, why can’t some people just say well done?
I very much doubt that anyone on here thinks it's nothing more than fantastic & we ALL very much appreciate his efforts.
You are wrong, the money was raised to go to the NHS charities but it seems everything seems to be turned into a political theme
How about, if the NHS is properly funded and money spent well, then we don't need such charity funds? The two are inherently connected.
I don’t doubt for a minute that everyone on here appreciates what he did. But that’s not what I asked was it? I asked instead of just congratulating the guy and keeping on topic of the post, why do people feel the need to add political digs?
You are still wrong about the charities, the charities are about what the NHS staff contribute to, as do a lot of other people do at many workplaces , its nothing to do with the NHS funding