So lets talk hypothetically.. Your missus is the injured party in a serious incident. Who would you want undertaking the investigation, a competent officer who knows and can do the job inside out or an officer promoted above their abilities to tick a box...
So your answer to someone pointing out better qualified people were disregarded to keep up appearances was "good" and yet you have the temerity to then call people 'fascist' and being patronising with no rational basis for argument., I am afraid you are so entrenched in your thinking you are completely unable to grasp the fact that you have not actually countered a logical argument. It is you who is unable to see tee irony. Oh! and you your response i.e. "Diversity is rational, suppression is not" to MY long post makes absolutely no sense contextually other than you contradict your own argument. Quotas and positive discrimination IS exactly that... supression of the logical and fair methodology i.e. the best person for the job should not be based in ethnicity etc which is EXACTLY what quotas are and why so many people are against them. I don't know your background but in this thread and many others recently you seem entrenched in your view and you really come across as not being as smart as you think you are. IF you come up with a proper response to the points I put I may change that opinion. Until then I think you are just spouting hot air.Either that or you are just a WUM.
no offence but i don’t read your posts, history tells me all I need to know about your abhorrent views.
Its quite a simple question to answer. A crime needs investigating, do you want the competent officer to undertake the investigation or the officer promoted beyond their means to box tick. Be it a box on ethnicity, gender, sexuality, disability. Promoting someone in the services to a position above their abilities for the sake of diversity isnt a good thing you know. Its ******* stupid. It puts lives at risk. It puts investigations at risk.
Exactly this, also from experience I see many brilliant officers who aren't white getting overlooked. There isn't a tick box exercise for promotion within services. Sorry I'm sure that's pissed on few right wing chips.
That is doubtless true but it will not be resolved by the sticking plaster that is 'quota systems' and 'positive bias' and simply reverses the prejudicial process. EDIT: The implication in your post being that only right wingers disagree with quotas and positive bias and that that opinion makes them automatically racist. OK!
The last two posts just give away the fact that DWL is either a windup merchant or is so completely convinced that his distorted view is the only correct one and anyone not sharing his extreme views are either racist , fascist or both. The latter post is also ironic in that he wants to stifle any opinions contrary to his own which is in itself a fascist tactic. The man, contrary to his own inflated view of his intelligence, is incapable of logical debate as he contradicts his own argument, fails to counter sensible points raised by others with rational debate, using single word posts,, irrelevant sentences or resorting to insults and defamation. e.g. "abhorrent views" without giving examples. Of course the usual clique on here defend each other against those who disagree with their idealistic views of how the World should be. Nothing wrong with wanting to change the World but name calling and getting angry on a BB achieves nothing. Given the above, it is a pointless exercise trying to debate with him.
As regards jobs, I would argue it is very difficult to say someone should get a job categorically. We all have different skills and qualities. Look at football managers. So given that the bias in a lot of companies is towards middle aged men, reversing this is unlikely to be catastrophic. However, employing minorities might give a company a new outlook.
it appears it’s white middle aged men getting upset about this too! Even though the bias is towards them, strange times.
Didn't realise that such schemes like guaranteed interviews for disabled staff was such a terrible thing. Employers don't need to employ them, just creates a level playing field and provides opportunities for those usually overlooked due to unconscious bias. Good job you live in Italy is all I can say.