Are their really people on here who are so against equality and discrimination and see the way forward in ending it, is to have equality and discrimination? ( ( I am also against it but I dont they think the answer is as I said before" its pay back bitches" I dont think 2 wrongs make a right", I think a few need to give the crack pipe a rest, " don't do drugs kids"
Certain folk will get wound up by this and have strong opinions, but A level and GCSE debacle not a word. Mention dinghies and foreigners they're alive, mention dodgy government procurement silence. Wait till they go after employment rights under the guise of recession planning all caused by Covid (not poor governance). The same people will be telling us to get down the mill, and if you lose limbs be thankful.
No its definitley pay back to a few on here hence dealing with inequality and discrimination with inequality and discrimination. I used to take the wife's friend to the Royal Marsden cancer hospital in London because its the best cancer treatment hospitals in the country, Portsmouth and Southampton wouldn't operate because their surgeons were in a word not as good, they referred her to Royal Marsden, she had cancer of the bowel which was wrapped around her bowel and slowly killing her, the surgeons at Royal Marsden operated and saved her life, why because again they are the best, let's hope places like this continue to recruit on ability and not quotas, btw her surgeon was from india
Let's not forget recommendations were made to government regarding race. They needed to be dragged kicking and screaming just to say they'd agree to them, not to say they'd implement them within a set timeframe.. You say folk on here are looking for payback, they want things implementing in the correct manner.
We've got the full house almost with the usual suspects. Just need whoever it is who can't quote properly and we've got the lot. The trouble is, as seen by results in recent elections, there seems to be an awful lot of them. OOOOH LUCK A DINGHY.
They'll be telling us we're in the minority, against the will of the people and that maybe we should leave the country next. Its sad I get em coming back from EU counties buying their cheap cigs and booze and in the next breathe complaining about foreigners '' not all mind, some were really helpful, it's the darker ones, the moooslims'. They clearly expect me to agree with them, cos I'm dealing with border enforcement. Almost as if the Daily Heil have told them our organsiation agrees with them, Farage and that we are brown shirt types.
It’s actually a great, and useful thread. I’ve been able to use it to simple block the most odious vile ‘ists’ of this boars in one fell swoop. I highly recommend it!