Yes, because the Crynes have always let us down badly haven't they whereas Conway and the 3 Marty Hopkirks have an unblemished record of stewardship at the Club. As for re-building the West Stand - I wouldn't trust them to build a Coat Stand. They'd forget to incorporate Due Diligence.
Have the crynes even released a statement? If not you mis printed it should read chein an co arent painting him in a good light. The problem with only hearing one side of a story. Thing with the crynes is they are lifetime supporters and always had the best interests of the club at heart. Can we say the same for the consortium? Personally I dobt want oakwell or the land that surrounds it to change ownership. I dont want loans against it or to be sold off etc. But that's just my opinion. You also have to ask your self why are this lot so keen to spend millions of their own brass to buy the ground when they have spent nothing of it on the playing squad?
Yeah let’s blindly take the word of some random investment arm of a shadowy corporation because that’s never ended badly cough *wigan* cough *wednesday*. Or perhaps we should listen to the full story particularly given the extent The Crynes went to in an attempt to protect the the ground and its long term future
Hobsons choice either BMBC/ Crynes to keep stadium and no chance of any development or Owners get control with a chance of redevelopment or possibly get shafted
Can someone tell me why we need the west stand developed at this time? We have no fans to go into the ground. The clubs turnover is being minimised due to covid. We don't know if we'll have a second wave or there is any seasonality to this virus yet. And even in "normal" times... we don't even get close to being at capacity. So aside from the west stand being old and the only part of the ground undeveloped... can someone share with me the urgency to gift it to a bunch who have an investment vehicle in a district shrouded in secrecy with high opacity, to the degree we don't even know who has invested in the company that owns us?
Was anyone really going to buy just the footballing side based on an algorithm to buy and sell talent? I doubt it.
Well my fellow North Yorkshirer, it's rare for me to disagree but I do here. the O/P was basically saying "the Crynes are a set of tw*ts and the new owners, rather like Moses, will deliver us to the promised land." They might. But just by the evidence I've seen they won't. As for us 'going bust'. That's a bit Sun Newspaper isn't it? In the sense its an assertion without foundation.
I would probably trust local people like the Crynes over the consortium about whom there are many unanswered questions. However let’s not make out that the Cryne family have been our version of the Walker family at Blackburn. They have always looked out for themselves (ie.loaning money which they have received back). Nothing wrong with that just that the idea there only interest is the club doesn’t match with reality. What is clear is that having owners who don’t own the ground, whilst it does have an upside will always hold the club back. Yes there is the risk they could sell the land but when you sell a club that’s the risk you take.
The biggest issue to me is why the Cryne family are not allowing the sale of the ground to the owners if indeed it is the Cryne family and the 3rd party muddying the waters whoever they are. We only have one side to go on and know nothing of the plans from either side with regards the stadium just that various groups want to buy it. I believe the new ownership are the best placed to own it as its them that will be investing where its needed and it will only hold us back the longer this drags on. The ownership although they haven't splashed the cash have kept us on an even keel through relegation and now the pandemic so I'm not sure I'd be that concerned if they did get full control.
Spot on and very diplomatic. If Chien and Co bought 50% when they took over and had agreed to secure the other 50% later surely it's only 25% that is the problem. I'm presuming that the Council own 25% and the Cryne's owned 25%. This 25% has been sold to a third party and there in lies the problem. The only wrong doing I can see is by the Cryne family (at the minute).
Maybe because in future when they do sell (aka Neice) it will be more appealing and profitable to sell with a ground. Which they would get at I suspect a price way lower than what they normally would otherwise
If there is one thing we know about the Cryne family it is that ultimately they will not want to be out of profit. I am sure the consortium are the same but the idea that one party only cares about the football club and the others are just here to make’s not simple. Same with council. Council want to make money. Cryne’s want to make money. Consortium wants to make money. The football club is a secondary thought. All sides will try and manipulate the fans emotions “my dad saved the club” “we haven’t taken a pound from the club” “we are here to protect the clubs legacy” At the end of the day everyone is wanting to make money. So only question for us fans is, who do we think is best placed to take the club forward?