Sooooo...its unworthy of discussion? Opinions although never facts are exactly what makes footy interesting. The trouble is we have had 2 statements....quite right too... from both sides are they both right...both wrong...or as i expect the truth somewhere inbetween. Again wirhout the facts we had better shut up, let the discussions continue i say.
Well with stendel it was a case of we never really heard his side of the story did we? I actually agree with there stance on the others. It's a shame there seems to be a power struggle between the crynes and the consortium cant imagine it getting resolved anytime soon turbulent times ahead I'd guess.
Not saying don’t have discussion. But lots of folk have an agenda. And even if the facts were staring em in the face would find summat to contradict it. And if you don’t see that. Then it’s pointless. I too have opinions but to start accusing people of lying with no other evidence but setting an agenda because they have a bee in the bonnet is not the way I try to act. If you’d like to take note I never said opinions don’t count. So please dont mix the the point. What I said stands. In my opinion Ched Evans is a person I’d not like the company of. Is he guilty of a crime. Not According to the verdict.
Patrick Cryne said James had hardly anything to do with the club when we now know he created the spreadsheet that formed the basis of the clubs entire transfer policy. He also said he had never heard of John Stones. In the words of Doctor Greg House “everybody lies”
Not sure there’s a power struggle red. It’s about monies owed and disagreement over the deal that was struck up at the time. Re Stendel I can never remember seeing him deny the allegations (true or false) That he was in breach of contract. We never get to the bottom of stuff like this unless it finishes up in a biography. (then it proves nowt I suppose ) . Or court. We can debate whether we thought he should have stayed based on results. But we may have different opinions. Nowt wrong with that may I add.
Good point. It was very vague the explanation on that one. But I do recall Patrick stating at the forum after the Crawley game. James wanted nowt to do with the club given the dogs abuse he received on the train after the game. I pointed out such a young lad would find it difficult to take it on the chin. And he needed to remember. It was just a few mindless idiots. And not the entire fan base. Looks like he put that episode aside.
ok thats fine, we can have a discusdion ....good. Also "to start accusing people of lying" i ...personally didnt i mearly stated there were 2 points of view and the truth was somewhere inbetween. I appreciate you saying you need facts, which of course you do but that is something we dont have. I respect every opinion, on here, no matter who posts (even if i think its daft or without merit).
Well I know who i trust. I know both Jean and James. I know who seems more honourable. As i say we don't have any idea what goes on behind closed doors. I remember watching Barnsley fc v Luton town on sky live in Portugal. When we scored Patrick was like a schoolboy with me on the floor screaming at the tv screen. Proper fan . Who wished he could go back to being a fan after witnessing the pit falls of being the owner. Jean and James proper fans who are looking after the best interests of BFC. Hope this can be resolved.
A little timeline. April 2019 - Our majority owners renegotiate their payment for Barnsley FC and reschedule it. They have since defaulted on this agreement. November 2019 - Pacific Media Group invest the first 500,000 Swiss francs of a promised 3 million Swiss francs in FC Thun. February 2020 - Pacific Media Group inject an immediate €2.7 million of working capital in KV Oostende. July 2020 - It is reported that the investment in FC Thun by Pacific Media Group has now risen to 1½ million Swiss francs - half of the agreed amount. August 2020 - It has been disclosed that a total of €4.2 million has now been put into KV Oostende by Pacific Media Group.
Like I say I have a problem with people having an opinion but quoting em as facts. The post on here that I found impossible to agree with is coming out and accusing people of lying as fact. When an opinion changes the tone completely. I am the most opinionated person you’ll ever meet. But for 25 yrs as a shop steward have been able to divide opinion from fact. If some of the stuff said on here isn’t libellous I’m not sure what is. And if we were all not hiding under a pseudonym some would be treading on very dodgy ground. Including myself I may add. I try to be as careful as possible. As dissing the company you work for can cause major issues. Maybe that’s why I err on the cautious side and think before I post.
Fair enough and i respect your views. I have always been in jobs where as part if it ....senior management had to be questioned (and ive been questioned as part of been senior management), i didnt take it personal and am always happy to debate....same on here. The official narrative is usually questionable...i dont think we need to know everything the club does and i definately have no agenda, unless that means at times questioning certain things. I look forward to more debates this coming season mate. Hopefully on the playing side of things though!!
Certainly not a good look - buying other clubs while not meeting payment obligations at Oakwell. But I'm sure there's a lot more to this. Mind you, they don't seem entirely cash rich. Plus not easy to see why they are buying so many second tier clubs. I just don't get what the pay off is for them.
They are all as bad as each other but it’s straight forward really , there’s a problem with the option to buy the Crynes Share of the ground , the other investors have stopped the instalment payments until its sorted out . The Crynes are saying it’s two separate issues , the others are saying it’s part and parcel of the sale of the club to them
I'm not surprised to see that statement as surely that could've been the only reason the Crynes opened legal procedings. It's certainly composed with more dignity than the one which appeared on the club website. My major concern is about that first statement, particularly that use of the word 'club' in strange terms designed to encourage us fans to see this legal battle as the football club we support valiantly fighting off nasty deceitful parties out to do us, fans included, out of money. If they want us to read BFC for the HK investment vehicle and conflate the two, then this could also shroud the event of it being revenue and capital raised by the football club paying the Crynes, not Lee, Conway and co with their own cash. It's not that much of a conspiracy as I'm led to believe these sorts of leveraged takeovers are common practice in the US and that it's how the Glazers bought Man United. It's where there is difficulty with instalments in a business purchase rather than it being outright. The first payments were from the consortium's wealth, no doubt. But what's to stop them now using our season ticket money amongst other income to pay the remaining owed balance? In effect, buying an £8million business with £2million of their own, £6million of the business' and then selling it for £10million with a cool £8million profit for doing very little? Gaining a stadium on the way? All of the above would be plausible without them having lied. 'They' wouldn't have taken a penny out of the club until they sell it, but the club would have effectively bought itself by paying the Crynes for the HK/US consortium to benefit.
My personal view is Conway is a lying piece of **** & the consortium are asset strippers. Just my view. Have a nice day.