Me. Had an account for a few years now. Never had an issue with them. Some of the features are brilliant and are making the traditional banks take note.
I'm a new customer. I love the idea of how they run and everything, the app is amazing. But reading some bad reviews
I read bad reviews when I joined a year ago but have found them great. If you’re sceptical, give them a go for a few months as a spare account before you move your salary across.
I have never read the reviews, but never had issue. It's not my main account though, I'm using it as a holiday account so when (if at this rate), I get abroad, I have money topped up on the card and no need to change currencies or carry holiday cash.
Most people I know use their Monzo as a second account. Salaries and direct debits still paid into a more traditional account and then transfer ‘spending money’ to Monzo. It seems Monzo are more than aware of this and are trying lots of ways to get people to fully switch.
I'm still using my nationwide account just incase... But heard about people having their money frozen for no reason
I'd be more scared of Paypal doing that to me than Monzo. Also, remember review sites, particularly online, generally focus on the negative and not the happy majority.
I’ve had one since it was Mondo, so I’ve seen it evolve. Like most on here, use it from time to time. Never done enough to switch from my main bank. My main bank’s mobile app is still way better, so no reason to switch. They’re going after Gen Z though. If they can hang in. Still not made a profit.