Who is newsbot? Is it Gally? Is it YT? Is it a direct link from BFC website by the club? Is it a unknown BBS member who posts club stuff? Can we see a photo of Newsbots face? Is Newsbot more than one person? Is Newsbot a reds fan? Has anybody ever met newsbot or is he / she a computer? Anybody any ideas?
It's Gally's tech magic, pulling any news articles directly from barnsleyfc.co.uk and our YouTube channel, usually a few minutes after publish.
Not a real person. Something that automatically posts that you can set up. They had a lot of them on twitter and Facebook during the Brexit campaign
He sits next to me in ponty end, doesn’t say much...comes on here in milliseconds to post half time thread though
It's short for 'robot' and is a computer program that does things automatically. Newsbot searches the website and the club's Youtube for articles and then posts them here. On Twitter and other social media sites there are lots of bots that pretend to be real accounts, look for key words (often political topics) and then post replies to any post they come across with those words. They can be quite sophisticated but can normally be spotted by the fact that their username is something like Reds1834328 or Reds3252582, have a generic picture and are very intense in their opinions.
This is how it starts. It ends with AI* deciding that the human race is surplus to requirements. * possibly an advanced version of a player recruitment spreadsheet
Newsbot, is a T26 series humanoid, designed and built by a top secret organisation, funded by the North Korean government. Whilst it appears that he posts articles direct from the official Barnsley website, he has actually made several changes to the original document, concealing subliminal messages. If you read the article regarding Calum Styles contract extension closely, the final letter of each word containing a prime number of letters, spells out a hidden message; these messages often pertain to pro North Korean propaganda. He was admitted to this message board around the same time that Gally went on holiday to Seoul (South Korea). Some say this is a coincidence. Newsbot and Gally have never been seen in the same room. Newsbot is said to be a master of disguise, as his humanoid face can change in almost an instant. His cover was almost blown during the Birmingham home game last season, as he was rumoured to have stood up, and shouted at Mads Anderson in Korean, from the front row of the East Upper Tier. These are unconfirmed reports however, as the majority of people in earshot were asleep. His favourite colour is Harlequin Green.