There's a saying he should try to learn ... When in hole stop digging. Poor fella, he was losing control !!!
I think he was caught in an awkward situation, and was trying to be kind in doing a video. He must not know that everything ends up on social media nowadays.
Agree with that. Despite all the negativity he was faced with when he joined he has developed this group into a cohesive unit. They appear to be v well bonded and of one mind. GS has brought stability and clarity and as last season went on we saw evidence of that. Apart from a few dismal performances and unlucky last minute breaks the manager got us results. I think we have a real catch with Gerhard.
Well I have learned that Browns in Leeds is NOT a hairdressers but it could be a table and candle shop.
Aye my missus could batter with me with a baseball bat and throw all my beers away. I still wouldn't turn down that lol
I don't know if you know Leeds but it's in the Light shopping centre on the Headrow, it's quite fancy looking inside and is a brasserie (not to be confused with a brassiere). I used to pop in there with my friend at uni for a slice of cake when we went shopping (and that is the most feminine sounding thing I've ever done. Who was I?! I don't even like shopping.)
I used to go to a Browns in Bristol some years ago when I lived down there. I wonder if they are all part of a chain? There’s one in Oxford as well
Seems a strange thing to say... Especially about some random girl. It's bad enough when it's about a celebrity that you have no chance of ever meeting...