No I wouldn't agree with that. I don't think liver disease has got our national debt to a record level and is responsible for the rise in domestic abuse, suicides etc. How weird that Covid has changed views on stuff. For example we could all agree that George Osborne as chancellor made too many cuts and was responsible for a lot of heartache for many families. Yet he did get national debt down a lot so now it's at a record two trillion, imagine how high it would be now if it wasn't for years of cuts.
I really wouldn’t put my faith in the outpouring of extreme far right racists like Marcher. It’s not a good idea. As with all drugs and vaccines only time will tell for those. A working tested vaccine is some way off and that’s if the reports of reinfection are incorrect. If they are correct then A vaccine will not work.
national debt increased massively under Osbourne. It’s defecit reduction you are talking about which did reduce.
Domestic abuse (and violent crime) are linked to alcohol use. Around 1/3 victims of domestic abuse (in the UK) believed their attacker was drinking before starting the assault (and 10% had been drinking). It also increases financial worries, affects relationship stability and makes people less able to think clearly and deescalate. Alcohol is also linked to increase in suicide attempts and increases negative feelings. Osbourne *increased* the national debt from 70% of GDP in 2010 to 80% of GDP in 2016 - and it is now just over 100%, so it has increased by about 50% (as a fraction of GDP) since the Tories took over. Coincidentally, over the same period the richest 1% got considerably richer. He did reduce the deficit, but the effects of austerity were believed to have slowed the recovery from the credit crunch at a critical time.
This is interesting too. TLW Social distancing at 6 feet is insufficient, COVID virus particles were detected after exposure to UV and filtering in an hospital environment spreading to other enclosed areas. The strong recommendation is to wear a mask.
Alcohol is a violent and dominant belief system which must cost untold billions in days off sick, abuse, fights, A&E visits, the 40 deaths a day is just the end result.
Actually this might be a good news story, the person who was reinfected as asymptomatic, whilst immunity wasn’t enough to block reinfection it did protect them from the disease. The patient had no detectable antibodies at the time of reinfection but developed them- this is encouraging.
Imagine how low it would be of we closed the tax loopholes, offshore scams and actually had proper tax bands.
Yep, as anti lockdown as I am it’s also got Piers Corbyn and his 5G madness. One to leave alone I think. Covid is getting weaker and the death rate has shrunk for a 17th week in a row. No need for a vaccine.
There’s a massive difference between people like you that oppose lockdown for real reasons and are able to put forward a real opinion and people that think Covid is a smokescreen for Bill gates to install tracking chips in the back of our noses. These events appear to be catered towards the latter. It’s truly depressing that these gullible people are being preyed on in such a way. There’s always been conspiracy theorists, but they’re no longer the local nutjob down the pub. Facebook is giving a direct channel into their lives and it’s being exploited. Then it’s also providing them a place that they can meet and echo chamber these ideas and provide ‘confirmation’ that it’s true.
The conspiracy theories about Bill Gates chipping us all is bonkers. If they think we've got it tough here then they should try China.......
Is it getting weaker, or are the people affected younger and with stronger immune systems? Analysis of the virus from infected people show pretty much the same virus spread as March, and simultaneous mutation in multiple strains is unlikely.
We will have to wait and see but the government need to start opening back up places like nightclubs where young people go. If they catch and spread it amongst themselves with them at low risk compared to older people, it will make older people feel safer. who could have predicted that...
It was only two hours ago this was posted... Seems he waits to see what Scotland do before following.
probably not the worst idea given his lack of any sort of competence and the fact that Sturgeon is an actual effective leader.