Sadly died at the weekend. You're probably saying who? Probably most famous as an educationalist and an inspiration to thousands of teachers, but also the most insightful, funny and charismatic speakers on life. His first talk in 2006 on "TED Talks" is the most watched on their Youtube site. If you've heard him give a talk I would urge you to do so.
Very good speaker and makes excellent points for debate . Loved the line about university professors who think the rest of their body is just for transporting their heads to meetings etc . RIP
Ive known university professors - they usually work very long hours - and live such a blinkered life that you can ask them about things on the news or popular culture, sport etc and they haven’t a clue what yer talking about.
Someone once said on a programme I once watched that in their opinion a lot of University Professors had some form of Autism . Can’t remember who it was it was a long time ago but it makes you think .
Yes I can believe that. Who would spend 16 hours a day studying things like sperm competition in zebra finches. But I know someone that does. Being a pit lad I never even imagined that there were people out there making a living out of such things.
Had the pleasure of hearing him speak at a conference in Liverpool- fascinating man. He'll be sadly missed
This is one of Ken Robinson's more recent talks (December 2019) "Finding your Element". It's quite long at 55 minutes, but well worth watching the whole way through. It is relevant to every single person in the world. My grandkids 11 & 13 have watched it. It is inspirational.