Bloke with outstanding arrest warrant and previous for resisting arrest, assaulting police officers, carrying a concealed weapon while drunk, endangering safety-use of a deadly weapon ignores police instructions and goes and does something that will 99% percent of the time end up with you getting shot. Going for your glove box in the car. Seven times is excessive however I can understand why he got shot. I have little sympathy for him.
Even more reason then to ensure that he does not even get a chance to get out of the vehicle, let alone resist arrest. That's if they knew who he was at the time.
If he was going for the glove box it’s on the other side on an American car. More likely he was trying to drive away from these lunatic cops. This is the most shocking video I’ve ever seen, if three of them couldn’t make an arrest without killing him they shouldn’t be given a badge.
Agree they’ve no idea about proper policing , and restraint , but it’s the recruitment that’s the issue
he had a criminal past with charges for harming a police officer during arrest,pulling a gun on a women, domestic abuse and a sex crime, no excuse for shooting him, unless they were worried he going to kill them, they should all just stop using guns its not rocket science, its 2020, not wild west
I thought I was going mad reading this thread for a minute, the glove box would be on the other side he was going to the driver’s side. Kenosha county Case No 2020CF000736 Wisconsin v Jacob S Blake. Filed 07-06-2020 I’ll see if I can find a better screen print/ link for that.
No, it’s the opposite. Whilst there’s a closer relationship between white and black deaths by cop than most realise. There’s a staggering chasm when you add the filter ‘unarmed’. Basically an unarmed white man is almost never going to get killed, but unarmed black men get killed regularly. There’s cultural issues around guns too. Basically black law abiding civilians aren’t likely to be armed, whereas white law abiding citizens are very likely to be armed in many states. The ‘perceived threat’ is greater than the actual risk, and that can be seen where some states have done a good job of training away this kind of behaviour.
Looking at the video and irrespective of what they knew in advance. The bloke trying to get in the motor presented plentiful opportunities to use non lethal force, ie just hit him with a baton or something. Also even if the officer felt the gun was the way to go he had no need to empty the bloody thing into the guy. I think once again it calls Into doubt what kind of pillocks the Yanks are recruiting as cops, even if this guy had history the next one who maybe panics may not
I would be surprised if they weren’t aware of who he was and what he was wanted for either from their daily briefing or from radioing base from the original incident and running his name.
From what I understand it's extremely bad practice to shoot someone in the leg as it rarely stops them
I'll tell you now. If I'm a cop in america, and a man who is refusing to do what I say walks to his car and reaches for the glove box he's getting the gun emptied in him and I wouldn't care if he was black white or whatever.
To be fair ...... glove box / cubby hole / glory hole ............... he was reaching, as the yanks would phrase it. I have storage next to / under my steering wheel. He did not deserve what he got AT ALL, proportionate force (taser etc) should have been used, but the simple fact is, he was reaching. Cop and his mates got it badly wrong.
But there were a number of police there, so why not physically restrain or tackle him? The gun culture in the states is the issue. As folk say, it’s literally the Wild West. Still.