A few stats on police shootings this month just to show how crazy the gun culture is There have been 63 confirmed fatal police shootings in America in August so far just 4 of these have been unarmed. One black man and one white man who were both alleged to be attempting to ran police in their vehicle, Jacob blake (the man in this video) who refused to comply with police orders and a white man who was unarmed but walking towards police. He was shot by an officer who has been involved in two other police shootings in the past. That is 59 armed people who have been killed by police. I really don't get why Americans can't see that their second amendment is absolutely ludicrous.
Valid point. In that case anyone reaching anywhere into a vehicle. I'm sorry but it's true, i would be absolutely crapping myself if I was a police officer in America and anyone reaching for something would be shot purely out of fear. I think that many people would do the same whether they admit it or not and I think that's the biggest problem they have. You are EXPECTED to have a gun there and that's just wrong. I am curious though what it was that he was reaching for in the vehicle
Guns aren't exclusively stored in the glove compartment. As mentioned by someone else in this thread, it's can be a place under the wheel or just under the seat I think there were three of them. Was a video from a couple of years ago when they pulled over a drunk driver and was from the camera on the front of the cop car
Ok. Remove the word gun and just talk about crime then? I'm just trying to point out that the stats on this aren't as simple as saying x happens more to x people and less to y. There's a whole set of reasons and background to suggest why that might be, rather than it all being about racism. Not saying that doesn't play a part by the way.
Neither would I. Too many criminals have guns. If I did live there though and I somehow found myself in the job of police officer I would be absolutely shitting myself eveeytime someone who was uncooperative reached for something though as I'm sure you would. That was my point. Too many guns causes everyone to panic
Grabbed it on the way down after being tasered. Imagine their guard was down as he was fitting to the floor. It's a completely different world over there and I do think that some opinions lack a real understanding of the reality of the US. A few times my girlfriend has absolutely lost it with me because I've shown a tiny hint of 'road rage' (speeding up to the car that just cut me off/shouting my annoyance through the window). You just can't do that over there as there's a chance you pick the wrong car and out comes a gun. Especially if you're closer to Oakland than San Francisco.
I don't care if he was Attila the Hun. They had six seconds from him appearing in shot to when he was getting back in the car to restrain him without the need to shoot him. Instead of which they just followed him round, guns drawn and shot him. Seven times. What sort of a person he is or what his past police record is is completely irrelevant. There should have been a different outcome.
From what I could see he shouldn't have been shot.. and definitely should not have been shot seven times... I don't think it would have been necessary to taser him if they had physically arrested him.. the problem the cops gave themselves was that they were guns drawn which is no good for a wrestling match.