It’s what’s known as, a bit of the old in and out! (Fiddlers elbow of course, for those with dirty minds)
Bet he was like an Etonian Sid James when in hospital, they should have given him the snip whilst treating him for Covid.
Is money and political power really that much of a turn on to all these young women that they’re happy to have that bearing down on them? It’s a strange old world.
He's so lazy, I doubt much straddling goes on. Just sits there and lets them do all the work... is much more likely!
Can’t see what all the fuss is about. Yer wouldn’t stride over her - nar would yer - no bloke would - so let’s be reyt.
I like him - he likes a drink, he likes women, he dosen’t take himself seriously, he likes a laugh - what’s not to like?
The fact that he's a serial adulterer, liar, charlatan, buffoon, self centred total incompetent, surrounded by the best members of Billy Smart's clown division whom he hand picked with help from his dad. He hides in fridges and when he can't find a fridge he hides behing Cummins the self confessed optical testing expert. And as soon as there's another crisis he disappears on holiday rather than show any sort of leadership of the country in the worst pandemic for a century. Apart from that he's a jolly good fellow
Other than the sexism, racism, islamophobia and homophobia oh and the elitism, dishonesty and cowardice you mean?
The way he's running the bloody country is more than enough reason to want to throttle the blonde Tory gimp.