He's probably good entertainment on a night out. Unfortunately, there's an expectation that he actually runs the country he is Prime Minister of.
They have given over a million pounds to their mates to check Twitter and other social media sites for key words to get an idea of public opinion so I guess they actually did deliver on money paid for once.
I don't believe I could have a good night out with someone that I knew was a liar. I wouldn't be able to trust them enough to relax.
I'd sooner go out with people I trust to be honest. I was just pointing out the only thing he could possibly be useful for.
Am I the only one to find the way he speaks really annoying. He puts emphasis on the wrong words ums and ahs. Certainly not my idea of good company.
He is a lying, cheating charlatan that has managed to hoodwink certain parts of the UK population, I don’t know how, and that is the frightening part. If people cannot see that he has no credibility, leadership skills or integrity then I am totally confused: this man could not be trusted to run a bath, let alone a country
I think you will find that's actually Demonic Cummings that currently runs the country with his wonderful algorithms....
Probably the worst kept secret since Dominic Cummings lies about driving to a castle to test his eyes.
No comparison when you put him alongside the Scottish leader. Sturgeon sounds like an adult delivering an important message. Johnson sounds like an 8 year old trying to dodge a telling off. "Well, um... it's like this, Mum... you know that, ah... vase... the one you used to like... before it, er... accidentally got broken...."