Maybe just a couple of shots then? Otherwise you're advocating they should have found an alternative solution to shooting him. Which somewhat undermines your point.
Watch the video taken from the other angle. You hear one police officer shout take the knife, he's got a knife. His fiance shouted at him to put the knife down. The witness who filmed the original video we've all seen says that just before he was shot they heard the officer who shot him shout put the knife down. Not only that but despite the grainy footage I think you can see something in his hand, the hand that's more obscured by his body in the original video. Also they had already attempted to restrain him but he pulled a knife out and they backed off which is when he stood up and walked around to the other side of the car and reached in for something.
I've seen a zoomed in photo that makes it look like he's carrying a knife as he gets to the front of the car
Pretty bad to not play an NBA play off match because of it. Sport shouldn't be so involved in things happening outside of sport. Play the game like you're there to do.
There's a doctored picture doing the rounds on pro gun websites. Consealednation started running this picture a day ago. No actual media outlets are running with it.
Fair enough, as I'm unsure if that image is edited or simply cleaned up I've attempted my own raw and unedited version. This is taken off the video used in the first post of this thread.. I downloaded the video, found the relevant frame and simply increased it's size by 300% which is why it's grainy but there is definitely something in his hand.
I think sport should definitely take a stand in speaking out about crimes but I also think they should do so after knowing the facts not before that. Knee jerk reactions that are biased do no good at all and do lots of harm. People are rioting because the media and high profile people like this team are pushing an agenda without looking at the facts and thinking objectively.
That's not how the world works though. People act like human beings, emotionally. Instinctively. And in the current climate, I can fully appreciate the reaction from the black community. I personally didn't see the video and think "this is a race issue". I saw the video and was perplexed to see a man shot over and over in the back from close range, by a police officer. Had the target of those shots been carrying a weapon, had he been approaching or threatening people with said weapon, I would understand him getting shot. In any country, never mind the trigger-happy USA. But as far as I can see on that video, he is walking around the car and as he enters the side of it, he's shot in the back seven or eight times from close range, by one of what looks to be three police officers on the scene. That is astonishing to me. I would once upon time not too long ago have said "I can't believe folk aren't of the same mind" but sadly, with every passing day, I become more and more certain that I'm in a minority these days. These days...
Have a read of the Wisconsin Attorney General's update. It doesn't say that he was carrying a knife but that he admitted having one in his possession and it was found in the car. I guess he could have dropped it in there as he was shot but you would expect them to have stated that he was armed with a knife during the incident if he'd been carrying it. in addition at no point in the video is he threatening the police with the knife even if he had it. No other weapons were found so either he had the knife in his hand but was clearly not threatening the officers or he could have been going to get it in which case he was unarmed and they had ample time and opportunity to restrain him or try to de-escalate.
The flip side to this is that a white lad turns up to a protest with an AK47 and starts shooting. The outcome? He hands himself in 5 hours later. I must have missed the part where the police shot him or knelt on his neck. You then have the Sherrif of Kenosha giving THAT interview. But then it's the NBA players who are the bad guys?
If you make the decision to open fire you commit to it. There is no shooting people in the knee or wherever, you stop the threat. When the BLM movement started following the death of Michael Brown the slogan was "hands up, don't shoot". "Wield a knife and resist arrest" isn't really equivalent. If it was one of my loved ones doing that job I wouldn't want them to have to try to physically tackle somebody and risk getting stabbed. Where's the respect for the police?
Maybe that was lost somewhere around the time they knelt on the neck of a restrained and helpless man until he died?
I think it was lost well before then. This isn't a new phenomenon that's suddenly materialised in parallel with coronavirus.
Robert Peel would be turning in his grave if he could see what our police have become, turning a blind eye whilst crimes are being committed in plain sight when it suits a particular agenda, police are free to do as they chose in their own time, but shouldn't be bending the knee whilst on duty and allowing mass protests whilst at the same time elsewhere taking a heavy handed approach with folk sitting in their gardens. "To seek and preserve public favor, not by pandering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws, by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all ..."
In your world was he turning in his grave about Brixton, Orgreave, Hillsborough and Steven Lawrence enquiry findings?
When you allow folk in military style get up parading through the streets of London during a pandemic to appease a certain section of the community and their supporters, whilst applying the relevant restrictions to the rest of the community, then folk have every right to object. In each of the examples you cite you've unwittingly given further examples of where the police have failed to apply Peel's 5th. You've lost the respect of the communities you're there to serve by applying your own social and political views to policing rather than applying the law to us all. I never realised until now that you were in the police, but don't be so dismissive of people because you think that the agenda is based on race, that's exactly the same mistake you made in Rotherham.