I don't go to many away games these days due to the abysmal behaviour of a section of the away following, I sincerely hope these 3 get a good long sentence https://www.halsteadgazette.co.uk/n...g-stewards-southend-v-barnsley-match/?ref=rss
I wouldn’t be a steward at a football match for all the tea in China but having witnessed the behaviour of the stewards at Charlton(not Southend I know) some are no better than the hooligans (a small minority) we have.
It’s a bit early yet but it won’t be long before the apologists are along to say how nasty the stewards were and these poor boys were victimised. I won’t take my lad to away games anymore after what we repeatedly saw that season - we have some absolute pond life following this club.
Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour, I fully support the prosecution of these idiots but the stewarding was particularly inflammatory that day.
It shouldn't take so long to sort stuff out. It happened at the beginning of last year. Is the Fleetwood hooliganism case still ongoing too?
A disabled Barnsley fan was hit on the head with a communication radio by a Southend Steward in this game. I understand this incensed the situation. No I’m not defending idiots who can’t/won’t behave themselves, but witnesses claim this was a cowardly and unprovoked attack by the Steward. Just to bring a little bit of balance back
I've been all over the country with the reds, and never had any trouble whatsoever. I've often found, if you conduct yourself in the right way, and don't go looking for trouble, you don't find it. However, Charlton! I walked into the stand, looked around for my mate who had gone in ahead of me, and I was immediately threatened with ejection if I didn't take my seat. I said I was looking for my mate who had just come in before me, and the steward said they didn't care. I got the feeling they were spoiling for a fight from the moment the match kicked off.
The same happened to me, I was looking for my family and I got told if I don’t go to my seat immediately I will be thrown out. I went to my seat, and as we all do I stood up to sing along to a song, like all away days. Then a steward came up to me and said he wanted a word in the back. I obliged thinking it was probably somthing to do with where I was sat to to which then 3 of them came from nowhere and threw me out. I’ve never caused or being involved in any trouble my whole life watching the reds but that day was treat like a criminal, really embarrassing. It didn’t surprise me to see that the stewards got the trouble they were looking for at the end of the game.
The fella with the bold head stood next to the woman in red on the photo of the incident looks like one of the Tykes T.V. boys wonder if they have the incident on video.
It was ridiculous. I was told a lot of their stewards are prison officers from Belmarsh doing overtime. So it's probably that mentality of, football fans are all hooligans, and they go in with a heavy hand.
Not victimised but I think you’ll find there are mitigating circumstances alluded to above , 4 have pleaded not guilty .most stewarding is spot on and they do a great job , there unfortunately notable exceptions Charlton , Blackpool , Port Vale that immediately come to mind where the Stewards have actively set out to provoke fans
It is me mate,didn't see what went off tbh we was sat away from it,and no theres no vid of it,r Luke got grief wi something at a other game re crowd so he focuses on the game/field.
I had similar bad experience of stewards at Anfield. Me and my dad went and at that time I was only 13/14 and we had seats sat next to each other, as we were in the middle of the row my ticket said I had to enter via a different gangway to my dad. As I was young my dad politely asked if we could enter together so I didn't get lost etc. But we were rudely told to get away and that I was not allowed to enter unless I used the correct gangway shown on my ticket.
The moral of this post seems to be that there are morons who follow football teams and there are morons who get jobs as stewards. Should there ever come a time when there are more morons than decent folk going to football in whatever capacity it wont be worth going.
I was there at Southend and saw with my own eyes the one steward hitting our fan over the head with the walkie talkie. The same steward then had to be dragged away from fighting by two other stewards and pushed onto the pitch away from confrontation. I'm not saying some of our fans don't deserve punishing but this wasn't a one way street, it was instigated by both sides and neither side is blameless. I hope that particular steward was punished but no doubt he was praised by his superiors. That one fan who was in the middle of all the trouble and then decided to run onto the pitch when we scored was a bell*nd.
TBH I know a lot of stewards can be arseholes, but in my experience if you approach them in a calm polite manner you are OK the vast majority of the time. Might be an age thing I suppose