Was disgusting mate. Never been treat like that before. Inside or outside a football stadium. Yeah likewise, never had a problem infact there’s been more than one occasion where the stewards have joined in the celebrations. Wembley 16 and Gillingham away the promotion season stick in my mind. However that day at Charlton was disgusting and for that reason I will never go to their ground again. I know it’s petty and not the clubs fault but I took pleasure in seeing them relegated for that incident I and many other reds were involved in that day.
Oh I agree. And me, like many other of our fans, showed respect to the stewards that day at Charlton. But it wasn't reciprocated at all. When it kicked off at the end, I'd managed to get around the bottle neck they'd created by hopping over the fence into the upper tier part. On the way out, there were 5 or 6 police officers on their way in to deal with it. The one at the front had his hand held out in front of him, and he was charging through people. There was a lad in front of me, looked about 18, he was texting on his phone and hadn't noticed the 15 stone, armoured bloke charging towards him. He absolutely flattened him and carried on. His mate started shouting at them, and another policeman broke off, pulled out a baton and threatened him with it. As I say, I've been all over, and never had a single issue, and whilst I appreciate, a portion of our fans are often disrespectful to authority figures, there was a blanket approach to all of our fans that day.
I was at Southend and what went off there was ridiculous from both sides, fans and stewards. Quite pointless. At Forest away we were treated like criminals just getting into the ground - I wrote to complain and was told we were the worst behaved fans they had seen there! At Middlesborough 600/700 fans - one old guy at the entrance to the stand, said good evening to everyone and pointed you to your seat. Two legless Reds fans came in and he calmly walked them down into the disabled section and told them to be quiet which they were. No trouble at all there. The attitude of the stewards is always a very important factor in crowd behaviour.
it was but all started / caused by a group of about 20 lads who were absolutely mullered. For a 1215 kick off. I had a good view and they were repeatedly asked to behave which they refused to do and things then escalated. Clearly very unfortunate about the disabled fan getting caught up in the problems, and maybe the stewards were a bit OTT but all wouldn't have happened if these numpties had some respect for themselves and those around them. Deserve all they get.
Christ, I know we’re not a very attractive bunch but surely that’s a bloke and not a woman in the red?
Its sad and annoying when stewards incite trouble especially when we have also seen great stewarding make the away experience great. What has the result of investigation into the steward? Im guessing there is enough witnesses to ensure any report was followed up.
I dont go away games anymore because unfortunately we do have alot of morons who follow us and you buy a ticket it was turning into a lottery if you would end up sat near some brain dead lovely person. But on the other hand a few of the stewards I've met along my time obviously have had a hard time at school and trying to get there revenge on football fans.
Yes, short memories on here, it was the half wit in the hi viz that started it all, video was posted on here at the time.
Yes because it is clearly the correct and sensible thing to do to respond to a knobhead steward with violent action. Always going to end well... And as many videos as you show me, it won’t change the memory I have of a couple of dozen pissed up idiots (quite depressingly well oiled given it was a flaming lunchtime kickoff) causing a stack of bother before the actions of the said coward of a steward. If I recall correctly I think he was dragged off by his mates at one point he was such a knob - yes he pretty single handedly escalated the issue but he didn’t ‘start it’ - as if that really matters. The point being, knobhead stewards or not, we repeatedly have pissed up ‘fans’ (I’m convinced they never see more than 20 minutes of the 90 they pay for by the time they’ve had seventeen pisses and queued for more pints before and during half time) who can’t behave like semi-reasonable human beings, and they are quick to complain at any heavy handed stewarding or policing.
if a grid was put over that picture and to 'prove you weren't a robot' you had to click on any square with a woman in it - it would be quite challenging (look on the back row.) Why is that kid stripped to the waist - it's March 2 ffs.? And why has it taken 18 months to get to court?
This Brought back memories of my days working on the tracky in the 80s I was sat in the cab with my head resting on my arms which were sprawled across the steering wheel .grabbing 5 mins shut eye...whilst we waited time in wakefield bus station .....on the last leeds back to bsly 465 service To be fair at the time..... I had a very large curly afro ( photos which I have posted on here previously will back this up ) Anyway my female clippy pat who might I add knew how to handle herself and could handle her own in any confrontational act is stood leaning back into the windscreen / drivers door when on gets this bloke who's worse for wear through drink ....seeing her with short bleached hair tracky issue trousers he starts verbally abusing her over her appearance and continues giving it .big time with false claims and accusations he continues..its a man's world and proper woman should be at home with the kids..and if he was in charge he would sack them all adding and look at that weve got a fxxking female driver bet shes a fxxking lesbian....too At that he prods me with his finger and shouts down the bus ...what wouldn't we do hey without female fxxking drivers .....to which I raised my head and faced him and said.....I wouldn't know. I'm a bloke and if you prod me again il break more than your fxxking finger...the look and shock on his face was a picture especially when pat . With no help from me grabbed him...spun him around and threw him off the bus.........bet he enjoyed his long walk home to bsly ...happy days...lol
Just for extra balance. https://www.barnsleyfc.co.uk/news/2020/january/statement/ Same fan (fortunately not named in either reports about Southend or the ban so anonymity can be maintained) Of course that doesn't make him guilty of anything on this day or anything but just for balance I wanted to point out that having a disability doesn't define someone and you aren't automatically an innocent little wallflower because you have a disability.
Spot on. I was at the Charlton game as well but can’t comment on what went on at the end of the game as I shot out to catch a train as soon as the whistle went. But the incident before half time ( me being approx 5yds away, it happened in the gangway leading to the refreshments area.) mainly became out of hand due to one of the fans using racist language which the steward took offence to and reacted. That started the melee. The area where we sat the stewards were probably a bit more mature age wise and amiable. But there were some a bit confrontational on entry to the ground. One did say that our fans were the hardest to deal with the season before. There are in my terms. bog seats amongst our supposed fans. As there are bog seats amongst stewards. It’s when the innocent get caught up it annoys me most. Also those that join in not knowing exactly what’s happened and making spurious allegations that bear no resemblance to what started the incident.
Another spot on. I too don’t know if the disabled person was innocent or not. But you can’t be automatically be labelled innocent. if disabled. Seen one or two wafting a stick about if riled sat in a wheelchair.
I remember seeing the tweet in question (which i believe was more of a distasteful none serious comment than an outright abusive one) and I can't remember how I knew he was the lad from Southend to be honest. Seems like someone who loves the reds and wears his heart on his sleeve speaking first and thinking second like most of us do at times. It just comes across in different ways with different folk.