Not really sweets but the small packets of beach nut and I think kp or could have been pk chewing gum and butterscotch tablets
Spanish - they were loose sticks of liquorish, which you could buy singly. I have no idea why we called them Spanish, but think that they might only have been available around Pontefract as a by-product of the liquorish factories. Appallingly bad for your teeth. Also Butterkist, which was some kind of popcorn, but dripping in sugary coating. Raspberry ripple ice cream. Gob stoppers. Proper spice, sports mixtures with licorice, now called soccer gums, fruit salad, midget gems, kali and Spanish. All there, good service, highly recommend.
Did you know that Snickers is actually the original name of the product as launched in the US in 1930? The bar was named Marathon in the UK when it was launched here afterwards. One rumour was that Mars were worried ‘Snickers’ sounded too similar to knickers. Another was so they could market it as a ‘health bar’. Of course this is the opposite of ‘Opal Fruits’ which was the original name of the product launched by the UK division of Mars. They were renamed ‘Starbust’ for their launch in the US, then eventually rebranded here to align the brand globally. People love to complain about the size of chocolate bars these days. It’s worth noting that it’s not always the brand making them smaller to cut costs. The UK Government have put confectioners under pressure to reduce calories and fat content for years - in a bid to tackle obesity. There’s only so much that can be done to change recipes before the only remaining solution is to make products smaller.
Anyone remember raspberry vinegar that they used to put on ice cream. Superb it was but they stopped making it decades ago. I think it was rotting people’s innards
I used to eat slabs of McCowans toffee. Think it was made in Scotland. Not seen any it for yonks. My old Mum loved Parma violets as well. Not seen them for years.
Nestle Secret. These were so good. The outside of the bar looked a bit like chocolate Shredded Wheat. The inside was very similar to a Walnut Whip, but chocolate flavoured.