GG got to be on his last chance if he’s courting another club whilst employed by another. Seems risky.
Insolvency is a very complicated process. If you met me in brammahs before a game and I explained what i did you'd get where i'm coming from. Three ways a limited company can go into liquidation. 1 winding up by a creditor 2. they can be wound up by insolvency service if they think they are scams 3. they can do it themselves and enter CVL. Under sec 206 Insolvency act it is an offence to remove company property in the 12 months up to liquidation. I'd be genuinely intrigued by Wigan's case. I'll lay a gauntlet down here. The dogs of war are there. Let them lose on the wigan case. EFL...I double dare you.....Thought not... let's keep the g and ts coming for the old farts in blazers
One of their players doing a raffle of a league 1 winners medal from 2018. £5 a ticket. Might be an interesting piece of memorabilia. Tempted to buy a few tickets. Reckon the sounds of their heads exploding would be heard from Barnsley if someone on here won it...
Latest statement they've released, states they've now sold their training ground to Preston North End, won't be much left for the potential buyers to buy soon
This fundraiser they’re doing - is it to cover expenses for a short time? If so, that’s absolutely idiotic. Ordinary people raising £600k to pay footballers salaries.
basically to stop them folding the club on yesterday’s deadline. I donated a few quid after all we know what it is like to have the threat of the club you love not existing anymore
They have the stadium, another training ground which was being used as the academy, and randomly, a chippy. Sounds like nobody is willing to put a bid in that matches the total valuations of those properties, which would bring about the risk of administrators trying to sell them separately. Wigan Warriors would be keen on the ground.
Wish Wigan no ill and hope they pull through this. But asking people to dip into their pockets to pay the inflated salaries of millionaires is a bit ironic. I know the world isn't perfect and in a similar situation I'd do the same for the Reds, but football does seem to have its own warped morality.
that’s what I thought. It’s crazy ordinary folk chucking money in to pay footballers. If it could be guaranteed it was going to the tea lady etc I found see the point
Might be a daft question, but where is the players union in all this? Surely it times like this that they should be stepping in and paying the wages, not asking joe public.
I hate people giving up their medals. And if theres no family bothered about it then I'd sooner it went to a museum. Just my opinion and good on the player for doing his bit, it just seems such a shame.
Honestly couldn’t give a ****. If the don’t go out of business great, if they do great. That’s how I feel now after seeing their fans.
Not quite. Normally To enter cvl (voluntary) a company has a members meeting. That meeting will appoint their own choice as liquidator elect. That appointment needs to be ratified by a meeting of creditors with voting rights in proportion to the value of debt they can prove. They are sometimes overturned, usually by HMRC who don't want dodgy Joe's insolvency practitioner s to get the gig. If an administrator calls in the liquidator that appointment is still subject to a meeting of creditors. It's interesting because usually the value of the share in the league outweighs the cost of making good the football debts. Nobody thought burys share (whilst in the same league) was worth it, same appears so far true for Wigan.