Home shopping. The effect on the local economy for a town like Barnsley from home and internet shopping. Far outweighs the work from home discussion. Internet. buy an item of clothing, If I go into town and have a walk round to buy that same item. Can try on ( except under Covid) look at the item and decide I don’t like it. Try summat else to my liking. Pop in for a bit of lunch. Buy something from the fresh produce stall eg shellfish. That I can only get by visiting town if I fancy it. But what do people say. “ I haven’t time to go into town cos of my busy life.” Some genuinely are. Some use it as an excuse. Make time. Get out. do yourselves a favour. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work to live. Not live to work.
Try before you buy that’s one of the plusses of In town shops but for most you have to travel to Cortonwood or Meadowhall . That’s where the chancellor should be looking for his taxes imo . The smaller businesses can’t even keep up on line with the Corporates and their free deliveries. A budget with a shift away from the large retailers and levelling up of the smaller ones . Shan’t hold my breath though .
The Trade Unions have been trying to instil this into employers and employees alike, for donkeys years.
I switched more to online shopping not through convenience but after several trips to the 'real' shops finding that more often than not they didn't have my size, the colour i wanted, spec, choice, stock etc it became an easy switch.
Whilst some folk buy everything from Amazon Marlon. And don’t give a toss that they avoid taxes using loopholes. I fear the worst. I have cut my own throat so to speak on occasion and paid more for items in the high st. But I have also saved loads by shopping around the high st. I’m certainly not on the buy british on everything, as trade deals between companies from foreign shores are vital. I buy my electricity from foreign owners. I have a foreign car though made in England. Some things are unavoidable. I work for YW and have to pay my rates to YW but foreign investors own us. i just try to do my bit. And if we all did that then the local economy can thrive.
But the **** thing about that is if you decide you don’t like the item. You have to keep it. Or go through the hassle of shipping it back. I would imagine you’d be unlucky not to find most of what you like. Unless you have special difficulty as you say. Wouldn’t apply to most. There will always be those like my lads who have big feet and struggle to find shoes they like in their sizes. Not dissing internet shopping out of hand, it has its purpose. But not the be all and end all. as some chose to do. But tax dodging companies I’d not buy on principle.
I buy almost all day of my clothes in store. Apart from anything else I find that every t-shirt etc looks great on websites because they've got some perfect looking model wearing it. In a shop it's a tshirt on a rack, I can look and decide for myself whether I'd look like a bigger bellend than usual if I wore it. Food etc I prefer to buy in a supermarket during quiet periods. The main things I'd buy online are gadgets or appliances where the only real physical shops to buy them from are Curry's or tesco.
I’m a bugger for a bargain mate. Especially the sales. If I see summat I like at the right price. I’ll buy it. Can’t think of any clothing I’ve ever bought online. Like you say. Need to see what stuff is like tried on.
Agreed, but my view is that while ever masks are in place on the high street people just won’t return in any sort of meaningful numbers.
Thread Nowt to do with Covid mate. The thread is a generalisation. On boosting the local economy before, during and after Covid. The Glassworks will be mostly up and running next year. Hope it’s a big success. Pity that wearing a mask in public spaces deters folk. If wearing one had been the norm from day 1 of the pandemic. I don’t think folk would be bairning. For some it appears they don’t want to look silly. Isn’t silly when everyone is wearing em. Barring respiratory issues. Don’t see the issue. All ( not wishing to raise that point again for those against wearing em) Just responding to T M’s post as I don’t think it was relevant to the thread.
Why convenience. do you never go to town. ? Is it convenient to have things not turn up. ? Not what you expected and having to return. ? Do you not venture into town at all. ? Do you do all your essential shopping online? Some people I know don’t Shop at all outside the home. !.
Is that due to wearing the nappies or fear of Covid. You can get hold of face shields. ? Don’t know if you’ve bought a season ticket. But if you have will you not attend games if face coverings are a requirement. Genuine question.
I'm not redstone but for me it's that I find the masks extremely uncomfortable (I'm the kind of weirdo who can't wear any jewellery or anything because I can't stand the feeling of something on me) but it's also that combined with knowing that with masks on people are acting much more irresponsibly as they feel invincible.
It's due to wearing it not fear. I would happily go to Oakwell on Saturday in a packed ponty end if it were allowed. I have to wear a face visor all day at work and it's not very pleasant so having to mask up for shopping is just a stretch too far. I make do with supermarket and a few essential bits but other than that I'm just not interested.