Employers do pay low wages because they can get away with it. However you don't see any government, especially a Tory one enforcing or even advocating a higher minimum wage. I'd suggest if you want a higher minimum wage in the UK vote Labour. It's ironic that Nigel etc would trot out this undercutting British workers tripe when it's plain he'd not advocate actually doing anything about pay rates. as for the argument about why they come to the UK I'd suggest that if you were fleeing a country because your home was being bombed or your people massacred you'd choose to go to the place that offers the best chance of a new start. God knows why they'd pick the UK given the outright outrageous prejudice demonstrated by the likes of some on here and the very nice lady on the video shown the other day. There should really be an agreement among the free countries of the West to try and share the burden. But then we've left the EU so less chance of that especially with the bigots who follow Farage and Robinson wanting every single non anglo saxon either stopped from coming in or ejected. There's no perfect solution here but I'm damn sure I'd rather be on the side of tolerance and compassion even at the cost of some taking advantage than the side of those who hate the idea of helping anyone who 's not English. I don't think you're one of them but take a look at some of those who are making the same argument as you.
On One benefit of leaving the eu I hope to see is employers having to upskill their workers and/or pay higher rates of pay to attract or retain workers once the availability of the migrant workforce has been curtailed. On the migrant crisis I feel that its only a matter of time before a tragedy happens in the channel. The only answer is to prevent the crossings in the first place.
He is a disgrace, a poor excuse for a human being and an oxygen thief. It is a great shame on this BBS that he has been allowed to continue using it to peddle his vile views
The central issue of how to try to resolve this appalling situation of people being 'robbed' and risking their lives to get to the UK hasn't been addressed on this thread. The Government has three options - no border controls at all - anyone who wants to live in the UK should be able to do so. 'brick wall' policy - no one allowed in. operates a scheme of controlled immigration. It may be problematic but I would go for the the controlled immigration option.
I'm still Whitey. I haven't transformed into Optimus Whitey or anything. I've not been anywhere to be back either. And that's the first time I've ever been called a bully in my life.
What crisis are you referring to? I don't see a migrant crisis. I do though see a crisis in thought. "Look over there, not at what is really going on, don't look at the actual issues right in front of your face, look at that dead cat."
I've just checked on the list of asylum applications granted by country in 2015, the latest figures I've been able to find. UK was the 15th highest on the list way below Sweden, Austria, Germany, Denmark, France, Italy etc. The massive majority of asylum seekers don't end up here. I'm sure you're right, an accident will happen in the Channel at some point. I'm sure there could be measures taken to prevent it by ensuring they don't feel the need to risk their lives. As for upskilling workers.....do you honestly think Boris is going to push companies to pay their staff more especially where those companies are using unskilled labour who don't require upskilling? No. He's not. It would be great if it could happen but it won't.
No need for the sarcasm and of course it’s a crisis didn't you read about the young man who drowned last week ? I’d class folk drowning in the channel a bit of a crisis especially when you consider how many have drowned that we dont know of.
In 2018, 620000 applied for asylum in the EU. 44000 in the UK. We get around 6% of those applying for asylum in the EU. Turkey and Lebanon have about 5 million between them.
This is the first time in a while a thread has gone like this and I haven't been involved in it. Shame to miss out. Gammons.