Not been able to attend my gym for 6 months. When I could I got chatting in the sauna to a young lad who had been part of the failed military coup in Turkey against Erdogan. He was formerly in the military & after the coup failed was sentenced to 6 years, but escaped after one. This guy spoke 6 languages & was already shagging all the fit females at the Mercure Parkway. He wanted to work for the UN, but I'd have employed him if I could, as opposed to some semi literate person from New Lodge.
Why inflict more pain on new lodge. ( guessing the comment was aimed at someone in particular that is)
I used to fish matches with the fishing section at Mansfield Road club, some good people in New Lodge.
Did he fly here ,because if he did not,he must have passed through a lot of countries to get here.Have you ever heard of the Dublin Aggreement,thought not.
Dublin convention doesn't apply if transiting through airports because you're unlikely to come across government officials.
Yes Leeds a multicultural large city in the North, Yorkshire to be exact. It's a quite nice place apart from its football and rugby league team. It's got some very good universities and colleges look it up.
flit to harehills then ask the same question in a year or two or maybe have a drive through and see how many houses you can find without bars up at the windows and bank strength front dooers lol
I've never heard of harehills before, no idea where it is at all other than presumably in Leeds, but can I take a wild guess? Based purely on the fact that the most horrible racist I've ever had to endure for more than an hour or so (because for some reason admin allow him to spread his bile) has slagged the place off I'm going to guess it's got a rather large ethnic minority population. Am I right?
I did not ask you if you lived in Hemingfield,is your knowledge of the English language letting you down.Harehills is a rough area of Leeds ,far rougher than New Lodge.
You know what ST I think you're 100% right. What did he say again ''scum'' live there. I'd say that's a derogatory term linked to race. @Loko the Tyke @Selby Red I believe is a latent racist who brings this forum into disrepute. Today he even boasted at not being banned for his views. Please do us all a favour.