..Last season pass was around 130 euros. Just looked up how much for a new one for this season. WTF?...Gone up to 166 euros!!!! Anyone know what, if anything, we get for the 'extra dosh' given the current climate or are they just cashing in on Covid knowing people cannot attend matches live? Was thinking of renewing but a 20% hike is putting me off given the reliability issues and poor streaming/freezes time lags with commentary etc. I experienced last season when most of the time my bandwidth should have been more than adequate (no trouble with Netflix or Prime). EDIT: Forgot to say, nothing to do with exchange rate as August September last year the pound was fluctuating around the same rate to the Euro as it is now.
0.69 increase per week and with the improvements you get a better picture quality. It doesn't seem that bad to me.
.69?? .69 of what? You get around 39 matches since Sky block a few matches and some are not available if the match is shown live in Europe or UK. The cost is not really the issue although a 20% increase on last season is unless there are tangible improvements. Improvements? I found Oakwell coverage gave me the least problems last season (except when the ISDN link on one occasion was faulty), but some other grounds the coverage was awful and amateurish. At one game someone kept pulling out the link so you kept losing the stream.
It’s a great service with very few problems and given how important it is to me I’d probably consider paying a lot more than I do now, but the price hike pissed me off nonetheless. More so that this price hike was never communicated clearly before they charged my credit card.
Have you had a look at your own connection? I can only presume you have and I don’t mean to take the piss but I can’t remember a single issue other than the start of the QPR game for the last few seasons now. It works very well. My other family members abroad also have no issues with it.
I bought a pass for todays match for the first time & my son & grandson came & watched the game with me & to be honest I thought for three adults to watch our team with a well produced production was excellent value , really enjoyed it .
Odd . I ran speed checks on several occasions and even though obviously a chunk of bandwidth was already being used by QoS for media I was still getting 13-14Mbs when pixellation/freezes and blackouts were occurring so there should have been no issues. Locally. I suppose router servers in the path could be an issue but I am not using a tunnelling VPN rather using DNS proxy so the bottlenecks often associated with VPN should not be an issue either. I do have a background in IT ....MCSE /MCP qualified (albeit 20 yrs ago) admit the problem has had me stumped. One minute near HD quality and next freezing blackout etc and then clear picture.
Here's your answer Mr T in a word............'Capitalism' I find your gripe somewhat ironic. But then I have very little sympathy for someone who proclaims that Socialism can only arrive by bicycle
That is some hike! As it happens I have, in retirement, got my enthusiasm for music back so upgraded my obsolete studio and DAW bought a new keyboard/stage piano and started doing the occasional live gig. Spend lots of time fighting weeds, practising, learning writing new stuff and getting familiar with the new DAW stuff. Still follow BFC but lost a bit of the enthusiasm for watching ion TV especially with the lack of any atmosphere with empty grounds. Might be selective and pick the odd game when I see how the season pans out and the owners intent becomes clearer.
Greed is more relevant than Capitalism in this instance. Try reading my contribution to a recent thread re capitalism. Supply and demand is one thing but if your subscription numbers increases significantly with very little additional overheads or capital then the profit increase should result in economies of scale. Hence my question whether they have invested in improved service/reliability which justifies the increase. Of course you prefer to make personal jibes and politicise the comment. Says a lot: P.S. The quoted footnote was not attributable to me I merely copy it and don't really agree with it 100% It is there to wind up a few rabid socialists on here. HOWEVER, if you replace the word Socialism with Communism I wholeheartedly agree with it.
Oh and more irony.........so it's perfectly acceptable for you to wind up a few rabid socialists but not for me to wind you up. I gave you a perfectly acceptable answer first time around and the word is once again Capitalism - does it hurt - it may well do, but in the great scheme of things I think your adjective that you quote would be better suited with Tories directly afterwards - the Tories will hurt me and my ilk much more than Socialists or Socialism will ever do.
I'd love to debate more Mr T but I am literally going on a bike ride - feel free to poke fun in my absence of my preferred method of transport........ afterwards I will tell you why it is my preferred mode of transport.
Why would I poke fun?. Nothing wrong with cycling. Not a practical proposition for me at 66 with two incidences of thrombosis and a dodgy knee. There are loads of ...err.... madmen cyclist round here. They are 'mad' IMO for a number of reasons.... It is mountainous here and very rural so there are considerable distances between towns and villages and most employed people have quite long commutes to their places of work. from mostly hilltop towns and villages and there are very few flat roads or fields. e.g. Ours has 1 in 5 stretches in both directions. It is also very hot in summer even when cloudy (currently 33 in the shade and sunny as I type this in September) and windy and cold in winter with snow and ice in January and February. The standard of driving is appalling and you risk life and limb on bikes, scooters and MCs . Only last week someone we knew, an experienced 50 odd year old motorcyclist was killed by a 73 year old who turned in front of him and he was thrown over the top and died at the scene. I am amazed how many drivers show no regard for pedestrians or bikers. Nearly every crossing we pass has bunches of flowers tied to the lampost or fences as sign of a fatal accident. Nevertheless cycling is a major sport/hobby. and most weekends and holidays there are groups of club cyclists complete with support vehicles. For the above reasons though cycling as a mode of transport too and from work is not a practical proposition here and whilst we know a few keen cyclists we don't know anyone who uses it to commute/shop etc. I loved my bike when I was young and still at school- big old steel Raleigh with 3 speed gears- and went all over to places like Doncaster, Wakefield Holmfirth etc. Enjoy it while you are still fit enough but stay safe!!
At least the highlights have been unlocked today, so I just watched them. It must have been a technical hitch.