We also stayed a night near Newark and had a nice walk through a nature reserve where we observed a few lesser-spotted abandoned face masks hiding in the undergrowth.
Yes its certainly newsworthy but surely should be balanced with "UK sees only 2 covid deaths: lowest for six months". Cases rising is indeed worrying. On the other hand if cases continue to rise and we don't see a large spike in hospital admissions then that's actually good news. If we do, then at least we are in better position to deal with it now than in March.
There cannot be a problem can there ? According to the march in Sheffield at the weekend wanting no social distancing or wearing of masks , wonder what bereaved family members of covid victims think of Piers Corbyn & the rest of the loony crew that attended
Wondered what bereaved family members of Cancer victims think about lockdown and shutting down NHS services. Sadly plenty of blame to go around.
Bereaved family members of the 30,000 victims of flu in the space of a few months the other year who are only now being told that their deaths were preventable via a lockdown and enforced face masks.
Exactly , thats why I cannot understand why the loonies were marching whilst it is obvious this pandemic has not gone away
I know this sounds obvious but aren’t we testing more now? I had a test because I had a bit of a cough and snotty nose, better safe than sorry because I coach kids football. I was negative but there was a steady stream of cars at the testing station. I would estimate about 30 in the 20 minutes I was there and a couple of vehicles had multiple occupants.
Testing has been high for a while now, so if you were right you’d have expected infections to jump up a while ago. This seems like a genuine spike but let’s hope it’s not a the start of a trend.
I suppose it depends on the levels of people going for tests. I’ve not googled it but I’d like to see the figures. The change in weather has seen some Coughs and colds about which might trigger someone to get a test. I’ve no idea but just a logical thought.
Yes I was thinking the other day if we tested people with no Symptoms for Flu on this level world wide there would be a pandemic every year. To me a positive swab is not a "case" if you aren't actually ill.
surely it is because they could then go on and give it to others who are more vulnerable. I’m not in the least surprised cases are rising, what with all the illegal gatherings of the don’t give a **** about anybody else crowd.Plus the effects of these ‘magic’ masks that a lot of people seem to think work as long as part of it is in contact with some part of their head!
And this is back to where we were isn't it? Protect the Vulnerable. Don't shut down the country and furlough healthy people. That's madness with no end game.
I'd like to know the death rate before they stuck people in induced coma's and put them on ventilators and when they started using cpap for less severe cases.
Yes but to use your cancer patient point, we crack on as ‘normal ‘ the hospitals get full again and poor sods with other life threatening conditions get knocked back, Sorry but I just see your attitude as selfish m I know I won’t be able to convince you otherwise so I’m not going to bother.
Seems to me as though the message is stay at home if you have tested positive and dont go anywhere near an hospital, wheras in the beginning or should I say when the Government decided to take up the gauntlet it was ring 911 and off to Hospital you would go. The NHS has also found better ways to treat this disease and like some say it seems to be showing milder signs.
It’s not too bad really 2000 extra cases when you think there were 64 million meals sold in the eat out to help scheme,that’s 64 million people that went in restaurants with no mask on mixing in quite close proximity,you would have thought there would be 10s of thousands being positive
Hospitals on average accross England are running at 50% capacity. Most will be getting fined soon for under performance. Handycock wants to devise a appointment system for A&E. You cannt get a face to face GP appointment. A visit to the dentist is like pulling teeth. Covid although infections are increasing appears to have blown its self out for fatalities. Like Swine Flu etc before it. It would appear that locking everything down to suppress a virus is going to be shown as a flawed decision. Especially on the back of the modelling used to forcast fatalities. Suppression doesnt get rid of a virus. It just merely waits patiently until it can attack again. New Zealand lauded as the 1st country to eradicate it now has around 70 cases. It and parts of Australia are in again an economy busting civil rights eroding lockdown. We are currently being told about cases increasing but never deaths. Bear in mind borh the UK and the US authorities have revised death figures. They dont tell you about the tests being flawed. Be it a false positive or that the test is so sensitive it can pick up remenants of a dead virus. The media and government continually sabre rattle fear mongering headlines. Why? One of the easiest ways to control a population is through fear. SAGE the people behind the science have in their own publishings documented the same. Three weeks to protect the NHS is now 6 months old. Well the NHS has been protected and is continually being protected. From the people it is there to serve. The Tories up intil this year no matter how much political dogma geta thrown about would never have turned the NHS into a wholey private service. They now have the perfect excuse. No ones using it. Massive waste of money. Tie that with its huge running costs and from November when the **** hits the fan itll be getting paid from a shrunken battered economy. A perfect storm for sale. People need to start acting like grown ups and stop hiding behind the sofa before the agrophobia kocks in. Theres enough already ****** with extreme OCD washing their tatties in the bath after the Asda delivery never mind the anxiety and depression thats apparent throughout Joe Public. Go out meet your mates for a coffee or a beer. Tell your gaffer you want back in the office a day or two a week. Call at the coffee shop before work. Get your Mochachinno to go. Go get a baguette at lunch. Put the phone down. Stop continually refeshing social media for the latest horror story of some acutely ill member of society dying or hoping for the magic bullet to appear in the way of a vaccine something at this stage is more likely to **** you over than covid. Stop looking at the 'long term effects' of Covid as if they are something new. They arent. They are the same as other respitory illnesses. The severity will always vary between person to person. Read a book. Do a cross word. Talk to people face to face. Hit the gym. Go for a run. Get laid. Do all of the above. Oh and if you manage to survive this pandemic along with 99% of the UK population youll love the next one. The constant santising of hands, touch points etc would appear according to research is going to **** your immune systems as they wont be getting the same exposure to bacteria...
Aye because it worked brilliantly before. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_uk/arti...-coronavirus-delays?__twitter_impression=true