Thats exactly my point, folk don’t take Covid seriously the wards get full and all of the above can sadly happen again.And yet you goon about going on as normal allowing easy spread of the virus, which will then inevitably pass to the vulnerable!
Goon about. That's tickled me! To be honest I've probably cut my self off more than some of those who are scared to death. Haven't set foot in a pub or restaurant since March. I've hardly been in any shops, firstly because I couldn't be bothered waiting now because of the face nappies. As far as I'm aware the hospitals didn't become overrun during the peak. They certainly aren't now as we have around 4.7 hospitals per Covid patient. Time will tell if the increased "cases" leads to hospital admissions again. But we've been waiting 2 weeks since the Easter Bank holiday to see it. You know what's actually worse? People going out about when they had the Flu. Everyone who ever did has probably killed someone.
On my partners ward there are 13 beds. They currently have 17 patients. They have people sleeping in the floor in the communal areas. They can’t even disperse these patients out of area as all other areas are pretty much the same. When they release people on weekend visits their bed is then taken even though they are expecting them to return on the monday. I think in terms of operational use that argument won’t fly.
Myriad of reasons I guess. Numbers of cases earlier on in the year were probably well below what they should have been if the current testing regime was in place. Most folk unless hospitalised didn't get access to tests. So we can't compare to previous figures like the BBC seem hellbent on doing. Other news about the tests being so sensitive, they are picking up the dead virus in people and reporting as positive. Like others have said, hopefully the strain is becoming far more tolerable to peoples natural defences so we aren't seeing deaths etc. Would be nice if the experts could decide what sort of immunity level is developed should folk contract the virus. If the answer to that is virtually none then we may as well return to as much normality as possible and try to just protect the most vulnerable/at risk. If we do develop a good level of immunity then higher cases without the hospitalisations and deaths should eventually lead to everyones favourite herd immunity. I think like it or not, it's looking like that may be the most likely outcome. If the virus cannot pass on in mass it should be far easier to then protect the vulnerable. As it stands I'm not sure what worries me more. Possibility on contracting the virus naturally or being injected with a few doses of a possible rushed through vaccine which may have not had chance to be really tested thoroughly enough. Really hoping the strain is becoming weaker as time passes.
I used to think that but apparently it's even possible to carry the flu virus and be asymptomatic. So some people will have a viral infection and have a worse reaction than others.
Very reasoned thoughts, and you touch on the likely outcome I agree with. This Virus seems to be doing what other Viruses have done for thousands of years.
2,948 cases today so slightly less than yesterday. However it's known that Sunday and Monday are weekend lag days before a Tuesday "spike" so we will know more tomorrow.
I don't think there has ever been a lag on positive case reporting. The lag was on reporting of deaths.
Nearly 6000 cases and 5 deaths over the past two days. You know which of those two stats the media will focus on.
Now that’s a change of inference, by that I mean, when you initially mentioned I took it as you were inferring people were deliberately walking about half- dead knowing they had the flu. What I meant was people who are ill with the flu don’t/can’t leave their bed until at least they start to make a recovery
Also - People more vulnerable to the flu can get a flu jab every year, so it's not a like for like comparison got to be more cases if millions of folk been to restaurants
That's not what I was suggesting though. Not everyone who get flu is bed ridden. I had Flu once and was so I understand the point you are making. It was someone on here who linked me to a article explaining that you can carry the flu virus without being ill or just mild symptoms. If that's wrong then I apologise and that was my understanding after reading it.