Of course there are, and I'm not falling for it. I can only go by personal experiences though and I've frequently had issues with people in the older age brackets when shopping. Two blokes kicked off last Thurs when I asked them to move back. Both had masks on but nose uncovered. They muttered under their breaths "if you're gonna get it you're gonna get it aren't you?" Genius. I'm at medium risk apparently but it doesn't worry me. What does worry me is me inadvertently passing it to someone else. It really isn't difficult to wear a mask. And I find some on here moaning about all these restrictions yet avoiding doing stuff because of face masks quite childish and hypocritical really. You can't be that concerned about the bloody economy! Get a grip.
It’s fine but when folk can’t be socially responsible enough to wear masks and distance they’ll do whatever the **** they like at home. And who is there to police it anyway ? Thanks to Theresa May you can’t often get a cop to call to a straightforward theft.
I'm not going to do things I find unpleasant if I don't have to. I can still be worried about the economy. From a financial standpoint lockdown was great for me. I spent less, we were really busy at work and I got 2 huge bonuses and made a large profit on some company shares I had.
Eh? the current law is two households indoors and six people from anywhere outside. https://www.gov.uk/guidance/meeting-people-from-outside-your-household-from-4-july Last updated 2nd September
‘Apparently’? Do you have the number of extra heart attack deaths? I’m sure there’ll be some btw, but I refuse to get dragged into believing the ****** about the NHS ‘shutting down for everything except Covid’ that some want us to.
I *think* that the guidance is six, but the law is currently set at 30, but frankly I'm not that confident - it's all incredibly confusing, and bearing in mind we've had a local lockdown where I live that's come and gone, I wouldn't like to say for sure...
Let people make their own decisions. If you feel vulnerable and want to socially isolate then do it. Let others get on with their lives. I have taken the decision to go to Portugal for a week's holiday - i haven't been out of the house much since February. I am 71 years old and in good health. I don't drink, smoke and am not overweight. I will drive to the airport, Meet a friend in Portugal who has also been socially distancing and rent a hire car to go to self contained accommodation. The only risk I am taking is the plane journey - and it's one I'm prepared to. I don't have to quarantine on return (My friend does as she lives in Scotland) but I will pretty much keep away from people for a fortnight.
What strikes me after reading through all these comments is why on earth do we bother listening to top health advisors in the Uk, or listen to top health advisors in the World Health Organisation, when we have all the experts here on the BBS , its obvious the top medical experts in the world have no idea with the pandemic but experts on this thread no exactly what we should or shouldn"t be doing , you learn some clog iron on here !
Where do I sign up? Great incentive for people to take part and hopefully helping us out on the way (It's been going since mid-may by the way)
so if I meet with my son and DIL and Daughter and SIL in my house then that's breaking the law? six people, three households? I have to admit that's what I believe. It's ******* stupid. All six of us have been careful and mainly worked from home. Well not now as Daughter is a teacher and back at school and I'm back in my office.
No, it's not breaking the law, but it's against the guidance, if it's indoors. Remember, the guidance and the law are different. You're still a filthy Granny murderer. You Granny murdering *******. https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...MIjoLopOrZ6wIVweF3Ch0h2gduEAAYAiAAEgIr3_D_BwE
It's been outdoors until this week. Last Sunday was first indoors. If I get this, I'm a social piriah but not a criminal then ? BTW both grannies are dead. Wait a minute. Oh bugger I'm a granddad, my kids could be Granny killers, the murdering ...... .
30 deaths recorded in the last 24 hour. Massive jump. 2420 new cases of Covid. backlog of tests and thousands can’t get access to tests now means the numbers aren’t even showing the true figures.