I presume that the blonde buffoon is going to throw a few billion at he hospitality industry that he seems so focused on destroying
Our kids and grandkids will have this yolk around their necks all their working lives paying all this money back through eye-watering taxation and austerity. Some people believe this is the intention of this whole thing, sleepwalking the masses into lifelong servitude to the state.
I read today that the government made £250 million from the Eat Out To Help Out campaign. Should have kept it going not shut the whole sector down
Think it was relaxed to be more but even as someone who works in the sector I’ve lost track of the rules. Seen bigger bookings recently up to 30.
The government can say what they want nobody is listening they stopped listening after Demonic visited his mummy and then drove 60 miles to test his eyesight all while him and his Mrs were riddled with Covid19. Control was lost and it's never been regained.
They don care because neither they nor their donors work in the sector. The posh bankers don't care about Betty's sandwich shop or an independent publican
I grant you, it is a little "all over the board". But each point is valid whether you like it or not. Either the virus is dangerous and deadly or it isn't. If it is, then why not have a total unceasing lockdown to "save lives"? Or if it isn't, then why are we locking down at all?. You cannot have it both ways. At the very least, you must admit that the response to COVID has been nothing short of baffling.
none of the points are valid in or if themselves. COVID-19 has now killed nearly a million people world wide. Competent Governments acted quickly and decisively to minimise deaths and protect the economy ours created the worst of all worlds. A late and half arsed lockdown which led us to one of the worst death tolls in Europe and has tanked the economy. I can see no easy path out of this for us and even if there was one the govt isn’t competent enough to carry it out. This Govt cares nothing for normal people. Unfortunately they managed to con a lot of people into thinking they did. So they get what they deserve. The response is only baffling if you believe that they care about the electorate.
None of the rules make sense. The entertainment/arts industry has been ignored. For a Tory government where economy is supposed to be key they are doing a **** job at keeping it going.
Bad news with the vaccine too. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/...9-vaccine-trials-hold-suspected-reaction.html
They only care about themselves. The economy doesn't matter as long as the parts of the economy that lines their filthy pockets benefits
Pretty much this. This is the worst government on record. I'm sure they'll be asking one of their propaganda papers to point out some more dinghys soon.
Love the long post. Vastly underrated. Some excellent points. Particularly the one that said 5 million people died of flu in Italy last year, 10% of its population. So wildly and laughably untrue it could almost have been used in some media propaganda to generate support for a right wing government... Absolute claptrap
I’m as anti lockdown as anyone, but there’s a lot of daft wrong numbers in that, that do the no lockdown argument no favours at all.
‘Yeah but brexit, out means out.’ And, ‘yeah, but Corbyn.’ ‘It’s not Boris’s fault it was them nasty Chinese eating bats.’ ‘Look over there, there’s a foreigner on a dinghy.’ This government is probably the worst ever. It is the worst and cruellest in my living memory. Working class communities will be decimated in the aftermath of this and unemployment is going to be through the roof. And if there was an election tomorrow, next month or next year, the clown would get back in. Comfortably.
I take your point and agree about the intepitune of this government. The current opposition are running around calling for "Zero Covid" policies. That would have a even more detrimental impact on the working class.